This video was posted on reddit by someone other than me, and it’s yet more evidence that Tubbies have been assigned the Infinity.
As you can see, the poster got a WTF and an Infinity from the same Tubby. It’s very rare that I’ve seen tubbies drop anything but their original drops, class mods, and pearls, and almost every time when they do…it’s an Infinity. I’ve had it happen at least once, and I’ve seen others have it happen several times. It always appears alongside a class mod/wtf/bunny/skin, the same way Pearls do.
Given the Infinity’s perceived rarity and the fact that just about everyone and their mother has some obsession with them, I wouldn’t put it past GBX to have added the Infinity to Tubbies’ secondary loot pool. At the very least, it’s in the pool for Tubby Bones.
Has anyone else got any evidence - anecdotal or otherwise - to support this?
Fascinating. I’ve farmed a lot of Tubbies (like more than a hundred) but never got an Infinity from them. Yet the sources really do heavily indicate that this is the case for Tubby Bones only which would, if true, explain why I never had one drop.
If true, it would make them a worse source for specific Pearls than their “live” friends, assuming the Infinity has the same mechanics as the others which we can assume is the case until a few double drops (i.e. an Infinity and another Pearl) have been reported. Unfortunately, knowing BL2 it is likely that they really do share a pool which is very unfortunate, especially because the Infinity has been fixed.
However, the Infinity fix happened after the release of TTAoDK which leads me to believe that the Infinity was in Tubby Bones’ pool to begin with to finally give us an alternate source beyond Doc Mercy on Normal mode. So when UVHM2 came along, GBX either forgot or didn’t bothered (my cynicism is speaking here) to remove it from that “special drop” pool (just my title for the sake of this conversation) as the drop data for the Pearls was presumably inserted into a specific pool that fit some criteria (in the case of the original Tubbies that pool was either already existing but simply empty or was created that time), which just so happened to be the same the Infinity was in.
Although a theory, I really don’t see why else this could happen or why they would do that. If my theory holds true, Tubby Bones should rarely be able to drop an Infinity in the other modes and/or UVHM1 as well.
Edit: Actually, looking at that video more closely does confirm my theory at least partially. The Legendary COMs and Pearls don’t drop below 62 (their level, as it is possible to get that stuff if you are, for example, on 61) but the Infinity in that footage is on 60 so the other pool shouldn’t yet drop the Pearls but the Infinity is apparently allowed to, confirming my theory that the Tubby Bones drop it by default. Of course, it could have been a world drop, extreme rarity of that aside, so it isn’t set in stone just yet.
Yes but Tubbies can be 62 in UVHM1 with only one Upgrade Pack as well and considering the loot was 60 that pool at least shouldn’t have been “upgraded” to the UVHM2 variant.
I’ve farmed a lot of Tubbies on 61 to debunk the myth that COMs and Pearls can only drop once you are on 62 yourself. Whenever the loot was below 62 it never once had a COM or a Pearl (to be fair, I only got a single Pearl, a Godfinger of all things, and only 62) but the 62 loot was immediately more likely to have those COMs (it was just more unlikely overall since the loot was more likely to be below 62 of course) which to me means that the pools at least have restrictions to them.
Of course, this observation can work for and against my argument. In any case I am trying to farm Tubby Bones in THVM and later in UVHM below 60 so that the can never be accessed in the 5 level range.
…Do Chubby Bones even exist?
In any case, there are quite a few Infinity drops from Tubby Bones in the IFotD thread although all of them are UVHM2. At least the fact that they are in UVHM2 is definitely true. The video you posted just makes me sooooo confused.
I found every Pearl from Tubbies several times so I really doubt they got it in their pool. It’s possible I got really unlucky but that’s really unlikely. Tubby Bones for sure but not the non-DLC ones. I just want to understand why it only seems to be Tubby Bones!
For now I consider myself crazy until proven otherwise. So basically I am crazy.
Probably but I really want to understand why this only seems to apply to Tubby Bones. I am leveling a Krieg to 50 so he can farm in UVHM1 and see whether or not they do drop the Infinity already. Really can’t find a single Chubby Bones even with 4 Players (read: splitscreening all by myself), just a lot of Badass type Skelingtons.
If I am not getting a single Infinity within 20 kills I am either completely unlucky or it’s exactly as you said. I only wish to at least confirm this bizarre discovery.
I can now confirm that Tubby Bones drop the Infinity in UVHM1 as well:
The drop has been recorded if you want to see it. (That was the 7th Tubby Bones btw)
It is fairly safe to assume that only Tubby Bones have it in their loot pool now simply because there have been absolutely no Infinity finds from the original Tubbies despite being farmed far more commonly than Tubby Bones thanks to more convenient places.
I am just really glad I’ve been able to help out a bit here This discovery of yours had me really intrigued and I am disappointed I didn’t realize it myself.
That’s news to me. I’ve killed hundreds of Tubbies and never got anything else than their normal stuff (and this one Infinity from Tubby Bones) and I’ve never seen anybody post any Legendary besides their normal stuff in the IFotD thread, including multiple Infinities from Bones which led to this in the first place.
It’s certainly possible for them to drop other stuff as world drops but that’s all I can imagine.
I saw one video where someone tweaked spawn and drop rates (but not loot pools) for tubby bones and they got an infinity every time. I believe this was before UVHM2.
[quote=“BlackHeartV, post:12, topic:1509307, full:true”]
That’s news to me. I’ve killed hundreds of Tubbies and never got anything else than their normal stuff (and this one Infinity from Tubby Bones) and I’ve never seen anybody post any Legendary besides their normal stuff in the IFotD thread, including multiple Infinities from Bones which led to this in the first place.It’s certainly possible for them to drop other stuff as world drops but that’s all I can imagine.
[/quote] I can’t really say, I know I’ve picked up a bunch of them from random tubbies.
We did find out tubby bones had a weird loot pool but even after a year we didn’t have a ton of data on them. I’m looking them up right now and the data is super convoluted.
[quote=“Scootalewis, post:13, topic:1509307, full:true”]
I saw one video where someone tweaked spawn and drop rates (but not loot pools) for tubby bones and they got an infinity every time. I believe this was before UVHM2.
[/quote]Yeah no we debunked those videos too as being unusable because of a host of other factors. Short answer was modifying drop rates with a program designed for cheating did stuff to the drop mechanics every time (IE allowing doc mercy to drop the infinity when in the real game he didn’t drop it because it was “bugged”)
I don’t have a lot of information about tubby bones because of how rare they were.
I had a Tubby Bones spawn from the Dragon Keep Sacrificial Altar two weeks ago. It dropped an OP6 Caustic Infinity. I was not recording at the time, but I still have the Infinity. It also dropped a legendary class mod, but I forgot which one, since it wasn’t for my class.
Alright, fair enough. I still would say we have enough data to suggest that Tubby Bones have the Infinity in the very same pool as the Pearls since it drops, more or less, commonly on OP8 without ever having been seen alongside the other Pearls, only with their usual stuff.