Hard to Spot Parts:
6 Shot Mag - Mag 1, 2 and 4 are all 6 shot and can confuse if you don’t know what they look like.
Barrels - Particularly barrels 2,3 & 4 can get confusing.
Revolver Mags:
-Mag1 reduces damage and has a faster reload speed. (6 shot)
-Mag2 offers no stat bonuses. (6 shot)
-Mag3 reduces the clip size and increases tech. (3 shot)
-Mag4 increases the fire rate. (6 shot)
-Mag5 has a reduced clip size, greatly increased damage, faster reload speed, and increased tech. (2 shot)
Revolver Mag 1, 2 & 4 - Close up View
Revolver Mag 1 & 2 - Floor View
Revolver Mag 4
Revolver Barrels:
-Barrel1 has the lowest damage and low accuracy.
-Barrel2 has high damage and the lowest accuracy.
-Barrel3 has average damage, high accuracy and a slight tech boost.
-Barrel4 has the highest damage, average accuracy and a slight tech boost.
-Barrel5 has high damage and the highest accuracy.
Revolver Barrel 2 & 3 - Floor View
Revolver Barrel 4
In Hand View Barrel 2, 3 & 4:
Repeaters & Machine Pistols: - Note: Chart is missing barrel 0, see below.
Hard to Spot Parts:
Barrels - main confusion is that there are 6 of them, classed as barrels 0 to 5.
Accessories - 2 and 3 are easy enough to spot if you know what they look like.
Action - the actions are just plain hard to see.
Repeater/Machine Pistol Barrels:
-Barrel0 has the lowest damage and very low accuracy. (Pistols are the only weapon type with a barrel0)
-Barrel1 has low damage and low accuracy.
-Barrel2 has high damage and the lowest accuracy.
-Barrel3 has average damage, high accuracy and a tech boost.
-Barrel4 has the highest damage, average accuracy and a slight tech boost.
-Barrel5 has high damage and the highest accuracy.
Repeater & Machine Pistol Barrel 0, 1 & 2 - Close up view
Barrel 3, 4 & 5
Repeater/Machine Pistol Accessories:
-Acc1_Fanged gives a +100% melee damage bonus.
-Acc1_Lacerator gives a +200% melee damage bonus.
-Acc2_Stabilizer greatly reduces recoil.
-Acc3_LaserSight reduces accuracy loss while firing so your shots do not spread out as much.
-Acc4_DoubleShot causes the gun to fire 2 rounds at once.
-Acc5_Corrosive adds acidic elemental damage.
-Acc5_Explosive adds explosion elemental damage.
-Acc5_Incendiary adds fire elemental damage.
-Acc5_Shock adds electric elemental damage.
Machine Pistols
-Acc1_Fanged gives a 100% melee damage bonus.
-Acc2_Cold increases damage, greatly reduces recoil, increases knockback, greatly reduces bullet velocity and adds tech.
-Acc2_Rage adds a large amount of tech and causes the weapon to fire in 5 round bursts.*
-Acc2_Stabilizer greatly reduces recoil.
-Acc3_LaserSight reduces accuracy loss when firing.
-Acc4_DoubleShot causes the gun to fire 2 rounds at once.
-Acc5_Corrosive adds acidic elemental damage.
-Acc5_Explosive adds explosion elemental damage.
-Acc5_Incendiary adds fire elemental damage.
-Acc5_Shock adds electric elemental damage.
*The Rage burst effect doesn’t actually come from the accessory. Any normal MP with that accessory will have the Rage title in it’s name and the burst effect actually comes from having that title. Any legendary or pearlescent MP with the Rage accessory will not have the burst effect.
Note 1: Accessory 2 looks the same on both Repeaters and Machine Pistols. The same goes for Accessory 3.
Note 2: On Machine Pistols Accessory 2 can be either Cold or Rage or Stabalizer, they all look the same but give different properties.
Repeater and Machine Pistol Accessory 2 & 3 - Close up View
Repeater/Machine Pistol Actions:
-Action1 gives no stat bonuses.
-Action2 gives a slight boost to the fire rate and increases recoil.
-Action3 increases the fire rate, reduces recoil and adds tech.
-Action4 reduces the fire rate, greatly increases recoil and increases damage.
-Action5 (preferred) greatly increases the fire rate and increases damage.
Repeater Action 1 - Floor View
Repeater Action 2
Repeater Action 3
Repeater Action 4
Repeater Action 5
Machine Pistol Action 1 - Floor View
Machine Pistol Action 2
Machine Pistol Action 3
Machine Pistol Action 4
Machine Pistol Action 5
The action can also be identified by the Fire Rate, a chart has been kindly provided by Szyslak:
Hard to Spot Parts:
Accessories - 1 & 2 can be confusing since they are located at different places.
Barrels - Particularly 1 and 3 can be confusing at first, easiest way to tell them apart is to see how much of the barrel overhangs the handle (barrel 1 is short).
SMG Accessories:
-Acc1_Relentless slightly increased the fire rate.
-Acc2_Ruthless reduced recoil and faster reload speed.
-Acc2_Vector increased fire rate, faster reload speed and greatly reduced recoil.
-Acc3_Corrosive adds acidic elemental damage.
-Acc3_Shock adds electric elemental damage.
-Acc4_Double increases the magazine and causes the gun to fire 2 rounds at once.
-Acc5_Explosive adds explosion elemental damage.
-Acc5_Incendiary adds fire elemental damage.
Note: Accessory 2 can be either Vector or Ruthless, they look the same but give different properties.
SMG Accessory 1 Relentless - Close up View
SMG Accessory 2 Vector/Ruthless - Close up View
SMG Accessory 1 & 2 - Floor View
SMG Barrels:
-Barrel1 has the lowest damage and low accuracy.
-Barrel2 has high damage and the lowest accuracy.
-Barrel3 has average damage, high accuracy and a slight tech boost. Non-elemenal barrel 3 can fire twisted bullets.
-Barrel4 has the highest damage and average accuracy.
-Barrel5 has high damage and the best accuracy.
SMG Barrel 1 & 3 - Floor View
SMG Barrel 1 & 3 - In Hand View
Hard to Spot Parts:
Accessories - Some are obvious like melee or elemental but to the uninitiated it can be hard to identify accessory 2 Raging/Frenzied and 4 Painful/Terrible.
Mags - Can be determined by the name but are visually fairly similar.
Barrels - 3 & 4 are most confusing tho they all took me a while to get to grips with.
Shotgun Accessories:
Assault Shotguns
-Acc1_Spiked gives a +100% melee damage bonus.
-Acc2_Raging increased the fire rate and faster reload speed.
-Acc3_Corrosive adds acidic elemental damage.
-Acc3_Shock adds electric elemental damage.
-Acc4_Painful increased damage and increased knockback.
-Acc5_Explosive adds explosion elemental damage.
*Assault Shotguns cannot have an incendiary accessory.
Combat Shotguns
-Acc1_Jagged gives a +150% melee damage bonus
-Acc2_Frenzied increases the fire rate.
-Acc3_Corrosive adds acidic elemental damage.
-Acc3_Shock adds electric elemental damage.
-Acc4_Terrible increases damage and increases knockback.
-Acc5_Explosive adds explosion elemental damage.
-Acc5_Incendiary adds fire elemental damage.
Combat and Assault Shotgun Accessory 2 - Close up View
Combat and Assault Shotgun Accessory 4 - In Hand View
Floor Shots of Accessory #2 Raging/Frenzied:
Accessory #4 Painful/Terrible:
Shotgun Mags:
Assault Shotguns
-Mag3 offers no stat bonuses.
-Mag3a increases the clip size.
Combat Shotguns
-Mag1 reduced damage and faster reload speed.
-Mag2 has the largest clip size and the slowest reload speed.
-Mag4 gives no stat bonuses.
-Mag5 reduced clip size, greatly increased damage and a fast reload speed.
Note: Mags 3 and 3a look the same but have different properties.
Combat Shotgun Mag 1 & 2 - Close up View
Assault Shotgun Mag 3 & Combat Shotgun Mag 4
Combat Shotgun Mag 5
Combat Shotgun Mag 1 & 2 - Floor View
Assault Shotgun Mag 3
Combat Shotgun Mag 4 & 5
Shotgun Barrels:
-Barrel1 has the lowest damage and low accuracy.
-Barrel2 has high damage and the lowest accuracy.
-Barrel3 has average damage, high accuracy and a tech boost.
-Barrel4 has the highest damage, average accuracy and a slight tech boost.
-Barrel5 has high damage and the highest accuracy.
Shotgun Barrel 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 - Floor View
Shotgun Barrel 1 & 2 - In Hand View
Shotgun Barrel 3 & 4
Shotgun Barrel 5