I will soon have this game on PC, but a couple years ago I spent a lot of time playing on an Xbox 360. I played as a siren with lots of elememtal Maliwan SMGs. This time around I am looking to play with Jakobs and Dahl semi automatic and burst fire assault rifles. With this in mind I need a character suited to a medium/long range playstyle. At first I was leaning towards Zer0 but as I would like to avoid sniper rifles some of his later skills will not be helpful. Axton on the other hand, I read that his class mods often buff assault rifle stats and gun skills. But I’m unsure who would have the greatest DPS with these guns. If any of you have built a similar character revolving around the semi auto and burst fire rifles I’d appreciate hearing about it!
Axton, Krieg, or Zero depending on the rifles you want to use. A hellborn krieg with the veruc is a force to be reckoned with. But for your run of the mill Dahl rifles Zero or Axton would do better
I don’t use a lot of them on Zer0, but I do love my Lead Storm and Bekah. lol
If you’re hitting crits with the Bekah, probably Zer0, but overall I’d guess Axton’s better with them.
The nice thing about Zer0’s left tree is that a lot of the early buffs affect all weapon types:
This build lets you get to level 50 focusing only on skills that will improve the performance of your assault rifles (as well as Death Mark and Kunai, because duh), so it’s not at all like Zer0 is a one-trick pony when it comes to weapon types (he also excels with pistols and shotguns).