Welcome fellow SWORDSPLOSION! enthusiast. Here we all gather to worship the one true Borderlands god, The SWORDSPLOSION!.
Here we discuss how great the SWORDSPLOSION! is, Post videos of epic SWORDSPLOSION! feats, Recount tales of hilarious SWORDSPLOSION! fails, Create challenges based around the SWORDSPLOSION!, etc.
In order to join the cult you must do one thing first. Fight Terramorphus solo, get him within a sliver of health and then kill yourself with the SWORDSPLOSION!(this cannot be done in NVHM). (Post a picture of you dying as proof if you can)
Also anyone who joined the Flakker cult must go on an ethnic cleanse by fighting a favored Hyperion boss using only the SWORDSPLOSION!(please produce a picture). And finally declare your love for your new god the SWORDSPLOSION!.
High priest: @Piemanlee, @Kurtdawg13
High priestess:
Senior members:
New members:
I see 50 views, but not 50 posters. Hmmm, perhaps the admittance challenge is too challenging? If so I may lower to simple killing yourself with the SWORDSPLOSION! and post a picture of it. I’ll leave this decision to you ‘viewers’.
PS: because of this new enlightenment, I have changed my explosive Krieg’s name to The Prophet.
(Goodbye friends and not friends, it's been a fun ride)
Video uploading as we speak.
Btw can I get a mention in the op for being the first member?