This explain prefixes that come from accessories… But not from elements and grips. I know there used to be a topic on here that listed all of them, but it seems gone. Did anyone save that list?
I believe this is what you are looking for:
It is! Thank you!
Now I only miss titles and prefixes for cryo weapons.
The problem with all the lists combining BL2 and TPS is all the Bandit and Scav prefixes are different. Some of them for other manufacturers are also different.
So is anyone up for putting together a new complete list? Otherwise I might slowly start to build my own…
@Johan2, I would like a complete list as well. I have a spreadsheet I used in BL2 and was modifying it for BLTPS which I think only has Scav and Hyperion changes but can not find all the information. Ideas or suggestions?
does anyone in the meantime have a list for the new Presequel Hyperion prefixes (listed in the game files as old)?
i’m especially interested in the Hyperion SMG prefixes.