I couldn’t find any topic on this, so I’m deciding to make it, if it doesn’t exit. I was wondering why quest reawrds never change from normal to uvhm, and by change I mean improve. As we all know white green, and some blues arent the greatest in uvhm, so why not make them purples instead, to give more of an insentive to comepleting the quest? obviously now all quest rewards should be purple, but on the firehawk mission, a white com wont really help you all that much. I don’t know how hard it would be to make something like this work, but it’s definitly a thought for the next game. give me your two cents
In the case of “Hunting the Firehawk”, failing to turn in the mission means you can’t advance the story, so the reward is pretty irrelevant. For the rest of the main story quests, same applies, although it’s not always obvious why the gear is the level it is (white, green, blue, blue unique, and more!) There are quite a few blue unique, purple, and legendary quest rewards as it stands. If you had purple or legendary rewards for everything, you’d have a real problem with players over-levelling and the rarity values would cease to have as much meaning. So, it’s really a question of balance. It would be interesting to know what the devs would change in retrospect, after the time the game has been out.
i see what you mean, but i didnt mean all of the rewards, some would be nice though, just to give you that little extra boost when its needed, i dont know, to help with progression i guess
Well, there are the Hearbreaker, Rubi, Lady Fist, Flame of the Firehawk, Love Thumper, Octo, Teapot, and a few others
point, point
There’s only 1 legendary quest reward right? Fotf. Also I agree with the op in uvhm most quest rewards are useless. It would have been great if they bumped whites to greens and greens to blues.
Not sure how you’d do that for UVHM only, especially since it was a late addition to the game (and the OP levels were even more of a late addition!) Be interesting to see how things get balanced out in the next game. I’m trying to remember how the quest rewards in TPS fall out in comparison, but I’m not as familiar with those.
I meant for futcher games not really anything they can do about it for bl2 or tips.
I can see that being possible. They did have different rewards between NVHM and TVHM in both games for the missions that unlocked the 3rd and 4th equipment slots, and if I remember right some of the side quests had different rewards between these two modes as well?
Not quit sure about side quest,but I’m sure there’s a way they could make them better based on the mode your in.
yeah, like a code check in a way
You do get some decent quest rewards even in UVHM though. The colour doesn’t matter too much, some useful guns and especially relics turn up, though I agree with you in general and admit that unless there’s a known unique I don’t get overly excited at the idea of a quest reward. I think a problem with loot expectations (and I’ve seen an article from Gearbox mentioning this) is that it becomes harder to provide huge amounts of unusual / exceptional stuff as you get further through the game, because you will have already gained, perhaps farmed, and hung onto a lot of exceptional gear by that stage, so a shiny blue shotgun can be immediately useless if you’ve got a backpack full of Conference Calls (if only I did). By contrast, I’ve seen people in NVHM complain that quest rewards are too good in comparison to other RNG loot. But I still like the serendipity of loot/rewards and it makes me think flexibly about what I might use, rather than just reaching for that Sand Hawk.