Why does everyone hate modders?

Now before we get into this probably controversial topic, KEEP AN OPEN MIND! I don’t want to see arrogance on this post, so if you’re going to be completely ignorant, leave while you still can :D. What i want to know is why everyone appauls on things like gibbed, CE, bar modding etc. Personally its just another way to play the game right? Its just a game after all. if someone doesnt want to spend tedious hours farming for gear and they just want to make it, more power to them, Or if you want to completely rig drops so everything is legendary and whatnot. I just see all these things as just another way to play and have fun, thats why I play, to have fun. It’s a shame to see so many people disreguard these things. That’s just the way I see things, not many people see gaes as just a mindless way to have fun, so this might make no sense to some, which sucks D: but let me know your thoughts and as I said earlier, please keep an open mind.

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This is not an appropriate forum to discuss how, when, or why you choose to cheat.

If you have any further queries, please feel free to pm me.

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