Build to compliment leg siren COM

So this is what I was thinking I want my build to look like when I reach 62 (I’m 61 now the COM is 62) blight phoenix I have only for the stun, for my playstyle it suits me for rabids running up and trying to smack me in the mouth with a cheap shot gives me an extra split second to realize they are there, I tried to take most of the skills on the COM to the max except flicker because the chance added with guns is going to be upwards of 70% and that’s plenty of chance for me. It’s there anything I should change or takeaway that will allow me to do better?
Edit:I’m 62 now actually

If you’re using the Legendary Siren COM you only really need one point in Ward, especially if you get Inertia and Kinetic Reflection later on down the road. You’ll also want Suspension and Quicken to get the most out of the move speed boost that the Legendary Siren COM gives when Phaselock is active. Also Ruin and Converge are drinking buddies in that those two talents compliment each other.

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What about the healing skills (SR, and LT)? Should I take 2 points out of LT because I’ve been noticing with the reduced cool down I’ve had more opportunities for health and I haven’t gone down. Either way I can still take my points out of ward and put them in suspension. Thanks for the replyear trouble!

An increase in duration to Phaselock will mean you have more time to pop an enemy to activate Sweet Release and does more good than harm. Life Tap works with or without Phaselock and is quite powerful if you are using heavy hitting or rapid firing weapons.

The thing about Sweet Release is it is more potent the less health you have and also those orbs do have a maximum range and are rather sluggish. So if you are running around you can out pace the orbs long enough to have them vanish. It is not a bad skill but it is best you know about its weaknesses.

If you want to milk the duration of Phaselock take Elated instead of Sweet Release. It’s healing effects are instant, do not require you to stand still, and at five percent a second it can be quite significant. The downside is if you use Phaselock to assist in removing troublesome enemies you won’t be rewarded for killing off the enemy before Phaselock ends, unlike Sweet Release.

If you want to go for a more crowd control build though with the Legendary Siren COM I recommend this.

What that build offers is you can milk Elated big time with the extra duration that Thoughtlock gives (you also can have tough enemies like Heavy Nomads on your side) while also milking Wreck’s damage bonus.

Scorn is an area wide but not guaranteed slag like what Ruin is, but it also sets off hazards such as barrels and also can slag an entire room.

As you level up you can either build yourself around group play with Res and Restoration or start working over the Cataclysm tree. Also if you enjoy that setup more you can swap the Legendary Siren COM out for either the Legendary Nurse or Legendary Binder.

Hmm. I like Ward… at higher levels wearing a bee in close quarters I tend to spec it fully with legendary Siren as it gets you your amp bonus back super-fast. Suspension is great with that mod as Troubled pointed out - though I don’t always spec it. It depends what I’m doing… If I’m playing coop I want phaselock back up as often and quickly as possible. But against rabids I would recommend it as the prolonged opportunity to keep them out of combat is very useful. And of course it works brilliantly with Elated.

I personally don’t go far into Harmony unless I’m using a Rough Rider or Legendary Nurse (or both). Sustenance isn’t without value but it’s slow, and I find the best way to regen health at high levels is through Moxxi weapons; if you hold say a Grog Nozzle in your hand you can get a great deal of health back just by phaselock, particularly with Ruin and Converge. That frees you up to take advantage of phaselock bonuses.

I also fully spec Blight Phoenix rather than Immolate, unless you’re up against purely flesh enemies and feel vulnerable. BP is a powerful skill. Don’t overlook flicker if you’re using elemental guns. With it maxed out you can get far more of your shots to deal elemental damages than most classes could dream of.

Your build isn’t bad, but I would recommend trying something a little different.

Your Cataclysm tree looks fine. Personally I don’t like Blight Phoenix, but that’s a preference type of thing. If you like 1 point in it, then go for it.

Harmony tree, at this point in the game I would only put 1 point in Minds Eye, 5 in Sweet Release and 5 in Wreck. Sustenance is a decent skill, but always seems unnecessary to me. Life Tap is great, but something I’d work my way down to at 72.

The Motion tree has some great skills that you’re missing out on. Inertia and Suspension are excellent and I always try to get them ASAP in UVHM. When playing solo I usually go for Kenetic Reflection too, but it has its drawbacks. And lastly Converge really is a must along with Ruin. That combo is just too good to ignore. I avoid Quicken, usually because when wearing the Leg. Siren mod you’re already getting a nice cooldown % from that and I’m always running a Bone of the Ancients which also has cooldown reduction. Just isn’t needed IMO when you have those 2 going already. If you’re not wearing a cooldown relic, then by all means feel free to spec into it instead of Kinetic Reflection.

Pretty much my tree would look like this:

Ward 4/5
Accelerate 1/5
Suspension 5/5
Kinetic Reflection 5/5
Converge 1/1
Inertia 5/5

I know it looks nice to put 5 points into both Minds Eye and Accelerate but it isn’t really necessary in my opinion. The combo of Ruin, Converge, Wreck, Reaper and Chain Reaction is more than enough to kill most anything with decent weapons. Having 1 point in each should suffice. If I’m using Pimpernels, I avoid Accelerate altogether. Of course, if you feel like your weapons are lacking, then maybe maxing them out might be best for you. I just don’t think it’s necessary.

Good luck.


Never thought about the healing being instant, always thought of it only being active during phaselock which is kind of what sweet release is anyway without the healing now I only have to change my tactics and try to remember not to shoot the PL’ed enemy, but on the other hand doesn’t chain reaction still proc on non PL’ed enemies?

Love doing that, rabid stalkers especially, you spot them rushing you, you say screw you guy I’m going to kill some LLM’s, and they’re dead. I don’t know how you succeed with rabids with Krieg, even rabid skags gave me problems, stalkers were impossible kind of the reason I stopped Krieg at 59 was because of rabids, with maya almost nothing gives me problems. Idk if it’s her or me, did I just get better at the game? I hope it’s me, because if I get to zero, and it’s just like Krieg I’ll be depressed :cry:


I had suspension before I re-specced to try and get all the skills to the max so I could benefit from them, I would like to get converge (kind of been ghetto rigging my own converge by throwing my quasar right before PL) I know about the draw backs with KR, like only effective in maps with bullets, so before maps with heavy bullets like bloodshot, and sawtooth (I run past threshers) I’ll re-spec. Lol I am running BOA 37.4% cool down 31% corrosive dmg so my cool down is ridiculous.
Edit:sorry for the wall of text :blconfused:

Lots of excellent advice from @Jimmy_cornflower there! I always like the keep my Maya build flexible; I rearrange it constantly to fit incoming needs. She’s so versatile. The one I (almost) always spec is Ruin (and with it Converge) - it’s a truly formidable skill, especially in UVHM. For that reason I don’t usually take Harmony much further than Wreck or Res: Scorn can be useful but it’s not nearly as godlike as ruin. I personally always Spec quicken because I LOVE getting phaselock back, but it’s true you may not find that necessary :stuck_out_tongue: Test it out.

Basically the skills I never do without (except for situations when they’re obviously inapplicable):
Suspension (usually)
Converge (almost universally except against Hyperius)


Acid Cloud (it’s really powerful now!)
Blight Phoenix

I’m thoroughly bad at Krieg; my general strategy for Rabids is to slag them and weaken them with a Fastball then move it to melee with the Grog Nozzle in hand (kind of like law and order but without the deadly melee bonus)… But as any Maya who’s played behind me on the Peak can attest, I’ll likely mess up and kill myself with the grenade before the skag’s even got a chance to say hello…

It’s instant in that you are not waiting for some orbs to hit you and yes Chain Reaction does work on enemies besides the Phaselocked target. With Converge and a rapid firing weapon or a shotgun you can deal some heavy damage to a small group of enemies, especially if they have been slagged.

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Yep! @Jimmy_cornflower pretty much said it all! But, I will add a couple of thoughts to it.

Your build depends on which gear you’re gonna use. Are going with what you come across in the game, or do you have top gear? Cooldown, healing, shield protection and damage output can all be boosted with gear or skills. Make sure that the skill points you spend actually makes a difference. If you’re running a BeeHawk setup, you’ll do more than enough damage in general mobbing without having 5/5 in Accelerate, Mind’s Eye, Wreck and Reaper at the same time. Build smart!

And also… Converge! Yep! It’s totally badass!

Well I plan to get the pimpernel just haven’t done Scarlets dlc with maya yet and the sandhawk too, I’m looking for a good shock thinking because I had one at 52 and it lasted me until lvl 60 before I really felt it was lacking, I am kind of picking up guns along the way but I really haven’t had problems with enemies, I know a lot of people hate on Dahl snipers but I have a liquid sniper lvl 61. I don’t ADS with it just hip fire and it slags and cloud kill procs and most everything besides ultimate badass enemies die with one shot or two
Edit:not really interested in the bee maybe might use it for bosses but mobbing I don’t think I will

The bee… the bee… Well, it can be useful, very useful, so keep one about your person at all times. Bee + Sandawk is the easiest way for Maya to become a god, but she has a wide variety of ways to be fiendish and beehawking can become a bit restrictive as a playstyle. It’s useful on the Peak and makes short work of Saturn, Hyperius etc. If I’m feeling lazy or disempowered or both, I beehawk my way through anything in my path. As @Ronnie_Rayburn says, the power of BeeHawk frees you up to use other skills than base damage / critical hit ones, so you can use it to be a bit more creative, I suppose. I didn’t actually realise it was a thing until I asked for help soloing Terra and got briefed on its awesomeness, so I’d say there’s more than enough power in a legendary siren build to take you up to level 72 without greater-than-average pain.

It has kind of been touched on but let me ask: what kind of weapons are going to be your mains? As I posted yesterday in another thread I’m currently using a variation of Derch’s Twisted Pimp build but my main weapon of choice is the Heart Breaker when using the L. Siren com. It can handle 95% of any enemies that come my way on OP8 and for those that it can’t the Pimpernel or DPUH takes care of. Try to keep in mind the weapons you want to use when you make your build as well. And for those that are having issues with rabid stalkers and skags while manning Krieg might I suggest using a slag Bouncing Betty? Toss out a few before hitting RtB and your foes should still be getting slagged long after shooting them with a slag gun has worn off…

The Pimpernal is a very powerful, yet unconventional weapon (it benefits from you aiming at the waist or around the crotch region) and is absurd when used properly. It’s one of the few weapons that gives UVHM the bird with how long it can be used before it becomes obsolete. For general purpose shock is usually the best element to get the Pimpernal in as shock is only heavily resisted by Badass skags. The nomads with the Duracell battery packs can be zapped to death with a shock pimpernal; it just takes a few shots whereas a feather will kill a shock skag faster than any shock weapon.

The Sandhawk is an okay SMG but it shines when used in combination with the Bee. Due to the Sandhawk firing unlisted pellets its damage goes through the roof when used alongside the Bee. Both items, when combined, basically create an “I Win” combo, especially when used by Axton and Maya who are really good shield tankers. While I know Gaige has a really powerful shield skill in Blood Soaked Shields I do not know if it is a recommended combo with her Anarchy; but that is an entirely different discussion.

If you want a really good shock/slag weapon, consider investing in a Florentine later on down the road. It strips shields in no time at all and has the benefit of slagging which gives it utility in areas where shield totting enemies are few and far between. The only downside is that it requires Seraph Crystals to purchase.

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Yes, I really like the Florentine. It’s probably my favourite SMG in the game. Oh wait no… The Bane.

In terms of shotguns I agree the Heart Breaker is excellent. I recently started using the Swordsplosion too. I don’t know why I never really used it before. I think I was just intimated by its … Torgueness.

I also have a lot of affection for Jakobs Sniper Rifles. In fact I still keep a green level 5 Callipeen in my bank which was basically my breakthrough weapon for starting to enjoy the game, all those many hours ago.



Hey, with the right Bane prefix, raid boss fights can be over in seconds!

I’ve lost track of how many Jakobs sniper rifles I have went through and I never kept any. I might have my first Buffalo lying around but highly unlikely. The Buffalo is my favorite sniper rifle that Jakobs makes. It’s such a hard hitting rifle for the quality and is rather easy to use and somewhat easy to get.

I’ve got a Jakobs gripped purple Chikamin Muckamuck at level 13 that I will never part with.

I’m not a loot focused player but I feel intensely sentimental about that gun. Phaselock sniping with a clean Jakobs sniper (fire rate above 1 always), up, hit, down. So satisfying.