Torgue dlc is lame

So after the badassasauras Rex and piston only got tokens, torgue said get ready for the lootsplosion…nothing happened just went to credits, is this supposed to happen?

I don’t remember the exact sequence, but I do remember the loot-splosion happening every time I’ve done this mission. What platform are you on?

The loot does all land in the center of that arena, much of it scattered and somewhat hidden in the grass, and it can seem underwhelming given Torgue’s build up. There should have been fireworks and the whole bit though.

This has always been bugged for me. Never any loot in the 'splosion

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I always get loot in my lootsplosion. I have heard about it being bugged before, but I thought this was a glitch that some players recieved when the DLC was new.

I likewise always get loot, but it’s not necessarily what I’d call good loot! Maybe a Slow Hand from BARex, but I don’t think I’ve gotten anything higher than purple/e-tech otherwise.

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On ps3 I have never got the loot. @maxageddon is also on ps3. When I’ve beat the dlc at a friends house who played Xbox 360 we got the loot. So this lead me to be live that’s its a bug on the ps3.

I just assumed it was never fixed. Either way, it never bothered me that there was no loot 'splosion. It did bother me that I never came up with a better way to solo BA Rex in the story than exiting the arena area, sitting behind the mostly closed gate, and shooting corrosive homing darts at BA Rex until he died, and then hop back in and finish piston. Yeah, I’ll admit I have done that, with every toon (except Zer0 and Gaige who I havent gotten around to doing the DLC with)

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That was my understanding too. Figured it never got fixed for PS3

Must be ps3 then, no fireworks, no nothing just torgue saying here comes the lootsplosion. BTW you get the slow hand from ba rex?

Same here. Except I hit him with a Harold the slit you can crouch and get your rounds through, i kind of think that’s what the Harold was made for. Any way I’m not going back to that dlc so boring might go back to farm Pete for crystals but other then that it was a complete waste of time for me.

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BA Rex drops the Slowhand, yes. In reality, the lootsplosion is not as rewarding as say… The dragons of ancient destruction or handsome sorcerer (hansome sorcerer is just a better warrior farm IMO). But the glitch sounds like it still has issues on PS3. I play on PC.

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Ugh I guess I’m not getting that weapon, those torgue boss fights(motor momma and on) were really badly designed made me feel cheap and they were just boring in general, there was no strategy, no problem solving to them I mean a glitch with motor momma happened where she stopped attacking me that’s how I beat her I probably could’ve beat her fairly but the game didn’t even give me a chance too I got killed then went back in and she was glitched, I figured screw it, kill that bitch. BARex was just annoying as we all know and then piston was a whole timing thing slag him take his shield down, slag him get him to half health, downs me with the shock balls I couldn’t shoot down then took out my slag sniper and switch to my Harold and pummeled him til I got the second wind. Idk no substance and now I found out there a glitch on ps3, ya no thanks. Rather beat the main story a million times then suffer that. Just my thoughts on the whole situation.

The glitch does suck, but if it makes you feel any better the loot that does drop is all junk anyway.

It doesn’t make me feel better lol it makes me feel worse I’d feel better if a storm front, CC,a bee, hell even a WTF shield. But nothing dropped I literally mean nothing.

I can only say that I, from the bottom of my heart, think that the Torgue campaign is so incredibly bad, that it deserves to be withdrawn. The only thing that makes it bearable is Mr. Torgue. He’s awesome! But the rest… :unamused: Oh, my god! Embarrassing!

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That he is.

Don’t forget Pyro Pete. He is the other good thing about the DLC.

The writing for the dlc was amazing some of the best in the series that’s the only reason I kept going, to see what he was going to say next “A LOT OF PEOPLE BEEN ASKING ME WHY MY VOICE BEEPS ALL THE FCKIN TIME. THE TORGUE SHAREHOLDERS WIRED MY VOICEBOX WITH A DIGITAL CENSOR SO I CAN’T SAY STUFF LIKE SHT, CCK, OR PSSY FCKIN’ DCKBALLS! THATS HALF MY FCKIN’ VOCABULARY, IT’S GODDAMN BULLSHT!” Holy crap these forums are torgue shareholders. I wanna just let loose but my stuff gets beeped.

P.S. There’s no hard feelings moderators I know why it must be done.


Other than maybe Tiny Tina’s, I have major problems with all of the campaign DLCs. I’ll replay the main storyline a million times and never get bored with it, but the DLCs are mostly a “one and done” type of deal for every character I start. I very rarely revisit them other than to farm some boss or some specific weapon.

The Torgue one is very entertaining in my opinion, but I agree wholeheartedly that the gameplay and mission design leaves a lot to be desired. Too many annoying missions, poorly designed boss fights and not much of a reward for finishing it.

The Captain Scarlett one is just alright when it comes to gameplay, but I think it’s very boring and terribly uninteresting when it comes to concept and narrative.

Sir Hammerlock’s forces you to do too much backtracking/walking around and the atmosphere is just too drabby, depressing and swampy for my tastes. It actually makes me physically ill. It’s a beautifully rendered place, but it’s not a place I’d want to spend too much time in. Some of the enemy design is just too unsettling for me. Drifters in particular give me a really bad impression, to the point I avoid looking at them too much. The way they look and move around… Yuck. Also, annoying missions, too many tough and aggressive enemies in relatively small areas and poorly designed boss fights.

Even though I think all three have some major flaws, I still enjoyed playing them the times that I did and I wouldn’t go as far as calling for them to be withdrawn. It’s nowhere near the level of quality from the main campaign, but I think it’s nice to have them around just for a quick change of pace every now and then. That’s what they were meant for, anyway.


Glad to see I’m not the only one that was bothered by the atmospherics of that place- the design of the it just weirds me out. The only mission I hated the backtracking on was I Like My Monsters Rare- waiting for slag spores and two legged drifters to spawn was tiresome to a great degree- at least the other critters on the list were part of areas you could explore while doing other missions…