Tubby farming question

So I enjoy farming gear for lower lvl toons.

Can someone explain when Tubby’s can start spawning and the better spots to farm them at?

I know they spawn in the Dust behind Ellie’s…but do they spawn only on UVHM? Will they also spawn in TVHM? Do you have to beat the game first?

Where is a good place to farm them around lvl 50 or can you farm them?

I have found a few forums on spots to farm, but I am hoping someone will get a little more specific like where in caustic caverns or do they just spawn everywhere? What mobs have a better chance at being a Tubby?


Spiderants appear to have the best chance to be Tubby, if only due to their high spawn rate of badasses.

“Tubby” enemies, as opposed to “Chubby”, spawn in UVHM from level 50 onwards. However, only Tubby enemies spawned while the game is set to level 61 or higher will drop the unique Class Mods or Pearlescent weapons.

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behind Ellies, the skags be where doc mercy is, several other places that slip my mind. They can be farmed , but they are like the random LLM,s you just have to ck everywhere and they don’t always spawn, I can go several hours without seeing one.


Tubbies can only spawn in UVHM
Chubbies will spawn in NVHM and TVHM, but most often in true

and this link may help some,

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Frostburn Canyon is great too. There are a few routes you can take, loads of spiderant groups that all spawn BAs regularly (any BA spawn has a chance to be a tubby). This and The Dust are my main areas. Farmhouse in Tundra Express and Caustic Caverns are good for Varkid Tubbies if that is more your bag. I will put it this way for Frostburn though, it is not uncommon for me to see 2-3 tubbies in an individual run through Frostburn alone.


I see a ton of them in the Badlands and WEP. And +1 on Frostburn, The Dust, Caustic Caverns, Unassuming Docks (if you have the DLC), etc. Really, anywhere with skags, spiderants, stalkers, skeletons, rakks (super rare though), varkids, hell I’ve even seen a chubby/tubby midget three or four times.

Most common places, for me, are probably the Badlands, WEP, Frostburn, Caustic, and the Dust. I like to spice things up and run the other areas as well though.

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Chubby/tubby midget…three or four times? How many hours do you HAVE? I have about 1500 and I’ve never even seen ONE!

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Tubby enemies can spawn in any difficulty at any time much like loot midgets can, but due to how rare they are and how you have to dedicate a lot of time to really see them consistently it is very possible for a player to go through all three difficulties without so much as seeing one.

Much like Legendary Loot Midgets though they’re chances of dropping good loot below UVHM is not as good as otherwise and you will most likely get WTF shields every time you go after them since the newer COMs and pearlescents only drop at level 61 on up. You would be better off farming loot midgets than you would be farming tubbies in the lower levels.

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Lol I’m probably between 1500-2000, honestly. I know of three for sure: a chubby in normal mode with Gaige, and this past weekend I saw a tubby while playing on Krieg. Both of those were in STC and I saved screenshots.

The first one ever we ‘forced’ a spawn in Fink’s Slaughterhouse during the round/wave where a bunch of midgets and lil lunatics spawn.

And I wanna say I’ve seen one more, though I’d have to look through my other screenshots.

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The only things I’ve ever seen from tubbies pre-61 are Bunnies. I’ve seen maybe one or two chubbies pre-UVHM and they dropped nothing.

LLM are definitely the way to go.

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I’ve seen a tubby bones a few times, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tubby midget outside of screenshots.

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I’ve seen at least 3 Tubby Bones (Two in Dragon Keep, one in Lair of Infinite Agony), and two of the rare loot midgets (Rat and Goliath). For the Rare Enemy Checklist I just need to see a Loot Midget Nomad, Loot Midget Psycho, and Tubby Midget. I’ve seen every other variety of Tubby the game can offer, and even Muscles in Thousand Cuts.

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Yeah I see tubby bones fairly often if I’m running Tina maps, those aren’t too rare. I think I’ve seen every tubby; the rakk is the most elusive (only seen it once in the Fridge; and yes, I know of the chubby that spawns in the Southern Raceway or whatever in the Torgue DLC, but that doesn’t drop anything. The tubby rakk did)

The rare loot midgets are another thing. I saw the LLM Rat one time, up by where you blow up Mortar’s buzzard in STC. Haven’t seen the other ones though. STC seems like the hotspot for rare midget spawns.

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you cant get tubbies pre lvl 62?

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You can but they won’t drop Pearlescents until level 62. @kuhchung said they didn’t get anything good from tubbies before level 62, not that they didn’t see any before then.

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How do you guys farm tubbies in the Casutic Caverns? Do the varkids turn into tubby pods or something like that?

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Yes. Any badass varkid has a chance to be a chubby/tubby instead.

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Had some crazy luck a bit ago in The Dust. Was doing the mission where I had to destroy the 5 bandit automobiles for parts and I came across 2 Tubby’s out in the open. One dropped me a Bunny!


The quickest run thru is Rough Rider Maya, then use Sham-Fleet for the Spiderants in Hallowed Hallow in the Halloween DLC, I get 1 in 4 runs. Or do Creature Slaughterdome in the WEP first round, but kill yourself before completeing it, if no Tubbies. If no DLC, the other places people posted are the best. Although I am still farming for the only pearl Ive never gotten the Bekah… sad monkey is sad

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Yeah the varkids can become tubbies, but when I farm Caustic it’s all about the spiderants. And a couple big Dahl chests as well.

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I only do the back of Ellie’s garage, since my run starts at the train station for Mick, then Gettle/Mobley, then the back of the garage, reset. It’s not great for tubbies, but I also get the Lyuda/Veruc/Maggie farm in.

I’ve had much better luck in the Arid Nexus Badlands. I’ve been meaning to try out Frostburn and Caustic, but I really do hate fighting adult varkids.

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