Legendary from slot machine


Sweet! If you get any other good finds, you can post them here

I got a Hammer Buster one time.

Veruc over here…

I got a conference call once I believe. I also got a storm out of the Tina vending machine

Bad Touch Flakker is not my favorite gun …

I wound up selling it, but I did get a Skullmasher once:

<img src=http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/703984918799530971/307C0EDACF3DC2E08F15BD41EF3A11AD85578699/">

Tried to farm a legendary in tvhm for a lower level character and ended up playing the slots once back in sanctuary. Didn’t even realize I got one since I was paying attention to the other machine when I saw confetti coming out of the other. Anyhow, its my first legendary other than a pearlescent I got in the tiny tina dlc slot machine.

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farming for eridium with my new Maya when a Win Win Logans popped up: