I was doubtful about whether to buy Borderlands 2, but then the guy recommending it sent me a video of psychos soliloquying Hamlet… and there went 1500 hours of my life.
So many good lines are screamed at me in combat. Favourites…
“I plucked a hair from the head of a dying baby. Let me give it to you!”
“I need a powerful woman! RIGHT NOW!”
‘‘Drop-kick your babies!’’
‘‘End quotes… Death gurgle… UUUGGGHHH…’’
‘‘The meat puppies! They come to the slaughter, like children to an ice-cream truck!’’
‘‘The sweet songs of sausage stumps will fill my days!’’
Maybe it’s me but I always thought that second shout out was ‘I wonder if I plant you in the ground, will you grow ba_ _s?’ Needless to say, I kind of like my version…