Yeah… I’m offline and I got a jack-o-cannon to drop from Meg. Is this a rare world drop or a glitch? It was the same time that I also got a fire torrent from her
Its a world drop as is a bunch of other previous shift weapons.
Not Meg specific.
never was a fan of that gun, its funny how the stuff i don’t like seems to pop up in the machines, and gets dropped more often than the stuff i want. just don’t like the pumpkin grenade launcher style of it. and i’m normally all over anything Torgue.
i just killed a badass lil’ scav and got one, what is the drop chance for that
Its around the same chance as getting a regular blue drop.
I found one too and just recently, which was a surprise. I’m pretty sure that I don’t want it.
It was fun to get to drop from UndeadLift during the Halloween event, but it’s really not that great a weapon.
I’m wondering if anyone had a jack-o’-lantern they could give me pls. I am PlayStation 4 and 3 my PSN is MehrunDaegon. Just send a friend request
Nice Necro! lol
I get them all the time. Farming Eclipse/EOS and Iwa. Iwajira is where I’d suggest you farm…
Wow I cannot even believe somebody came back after two whole years. Insane
Thread necromancy is officially a Dead End.