What’s CQB Cowboy?
CQB Cowboy is a hybrid Jakobs/Melee build that is based on Jakobs shotguns, Start with a Bang/One Last Thing skills and Melee Subroutine
Cryo Weapon. Plenty of good choices: Fridgia is always great,Excalibastard is the high risk/high reward choice.However,Two Scoops is the most fitting weapon for this build: not only is it Jakobs,but it also has amazing synergy with SWAB.
Two Scoops
~ Locked Parts -
Jakobs Pistol In case you want to use something other than shotguns. Maggie and Luck Cannon are the top choices here.
Luck Cannon
~ Grip: Jakobs
~ Accessory: Double -
Jakobs Shotgun. We are going to use this a lot, so ammo efficiency is key.Flayer combines great damage with good ammo efficency.If you don’t have it, you can use the Striker or a Purple Coach Gun.
~ Grip: Jakobs
~ Accessory: Critical
Glitched Coach Gun
~ Grip: Jakobs
~ Accessory: Critical -
Free Slot.In this slot I put Jakobs weapon at heart - Sledge’s Shotgun.I use it to take care of those damn shields.Other good choices for this slot are Badaboom or IVF if you need something to help you get out of FFYL.
Sledge’s Shotgun
~ Grip: Bandit
~ Accessory: Locked
Roid Shield Used to get the most melee damage possible.Alavanche works the best, but you also can use Shooting Star. This build uses Two Scoops,so regardless of your Roid shield,you want it to have Cryo resistance.
Warming Avalanche
~ Body: Maliwan
~ Battery: Maliwan
~ Capacitor: Maliwan (Cryo Resistance) -
Grenade Either Tesla grenade to strip away enemy shields or Cryo Transfusion for some extra survivability.
Longbow Storm Front
~ 0.0 Fuse
~ Longbow -
Duality Oz Kit boosts both melee and critical damage in vacuum,which is perfect for this build. However, it’s bonus in atmosphere is not useful for this build at all, so for when you are atmosphere there are plenty of other options: Systems Purge, Juggernaut or Support Relay.
Dualityfor Vacuum, Systems Purge
for Atmosphere
Eridian Vanquisher This class mod offers a nice balance of offensive (Start with a Bang/Death Machine) and defensive (Killbot/All the Things are Awesome) boost. Max Health card bonus is also nice.
Eridian Vanquisher
Roboninja (+6 Float Like a Bee/+ 5 All the Things are Awesome)
Glitch (+6 Float Like a Bee / +5 Cryogenic Exhaust Manifold)
Chronicler of Elpis
1. When you have guns/health subroutine up, alternate between your guns and melee attacks. Don’t relly on melee too much. Use them when you freeze your enemies, have to reload or have your shield down.You can easily take down badasses by getting close to them,rapid firing your shotgun and then finishing them off with your fists instead of reloading.
2. When you get shield subroutine,use your weapons and try to deal as much damage as possible with SWAB. With a shield subroutine you are going to have your shield up 99% of the time, so don’t bother using melee.
3. Melee subroutine is where the good stuff happens.Try to freeze as many enemies as possible,get close to them and use your melee attacks.