Will FotFH and the like do their job in FFYL and, should they offer a kill, grant a second wind? Will DOT I apply before entering FFYL also grant SW if the target expires while I am in it? Thank you!
The Flame is the only one that’ll constantly go off while you’re in FFYL. And you can get SW from DoT damage.
The Deadly bloom’s second nova can also get you a SW
I thought it was OR in that either it’ll go off when the shield is depleted OR your health is depleted. Does it have two novas or is only the one?
It has 2 novas
Ah, I didn’t know that. Learn something new.
Hehe, yea, I used it in NVHM on at least one of my toons for a bit and it totally got me some second winds. Pretty fun to just wade into a group of weaker enemies and watch them kill themselves by downing you.
Thank you.
Will bonuses to elemental damage from relics, mods, or skills also boost the fire damage from novas from shields such as FotFH in FFYL?
Yes, though I don’t recall any skill or COM that would qualify, but elemental relics certainly would work
Ok thanks. (Won’t toast class mods and burn baby burn help?)
Will using Moxxi weapons offer any use in FFYL? Or any kill skill? (Would you get the benefit of the kill skill or Moxxi healing when entering SW?) thanks