101 for Tediore Avenger/Deliverance/Gunerang reloads

This might be obvious to some, but I’m gonna ask anyway since

  1. someone’s bound to ask the exact same thing(s) (sooner-or-)later.
  2. I lack the required gear to test 99% (figuratively) of these out on.
  3. you guys are more knowledgeable than I.

So, the questions…:

  • Which prefix is better for the reload’s damage – damage or magazine?
  • Does faster (weapon) fire rate affect the reload’s spew rate?

For the help/responses, many thanks in advance.

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Not sure on the deliverance but for the gunerange it’s either jam packed or super afaik.
Avenger I I think it’s refill or hefty again not sure
I’ll go check the Axton top gear as the avenger and gunerange are on there.
Edit: just checked and those are the ones listed.

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From a cursory (at this time) look at a prefix chart and this to fill in blanks: Max Stat Gear Lists

  • Gunerang – Jam-Packed (Magazine Size), Peppy (Fire Rate), Super (Damage)
  • Deliverance – Extra Large (Magazine Size), Gentle (doubles as Fire Rate), New and Improved (General Boost)
  • Avenger – Brisk (Fire Rate), Hefty (Damage), Refill (doubles as Magazine Size w/ Bandit barrel)

Getting to the heart of it, tho, which is better to maximize the reload’s damage?

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For chucking fire rate means nothing. So what I listed are proable ur best bet.

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I listed the gunerange and the avenger so that’s 2 or am I missing something.

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Last one – the Deliverance. Also, the other question.

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Well tediore shotguns are not good for chucking but extra large if you must use it for that.

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Cool. Again, thanks for the help/responses.

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Anytime basically you want as much mag size as you can get. Reload speed is nice to but doesn’t increase the damage just the dps.

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Regarding fire rate affecting the reload spew, nuts. And the toast lands jam-side down. Gotta admit, I was hoping for that. As for these, I mentioned them specifically for the spew mechanisms – Deliverance and Gunerang are both flying homing weapons…

Speaking of which, I forgot to research if the Avenger also homes on enemies, even if via bouncing. :facepalm: Got one, and I SO need to test it later…

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Um I’ve never tested to see if the avengers baby bullets are boosted by fire rate. @johnrr6 might know tho. I’m pretty sure they don’t home in on the enemy. As for the gunerange/deliverance the gunerang is good for chucking because

  1. It can have a large mag size.
  2. It has a pretty large ammo pool to draw from.
    The deliverance can’t get its mag very high and doesn’t have a large ammo pool your better off with an omen if you need a tediore shotgun.
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No, I meant the gun itself when reload-thrown. I read somewhere that the Bouncing Bettie grenade has a soft-home feature, bouncing towards enemies, and was wondering if the Avenger had the same thing.

If the Avenger’s reload fired homing bullets, that’d be OP as hell.

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Sorry I meant the gun for the homing effect not the bullets it spews they don’t home in.but hopefully John can help u more than I can

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Wow, I didn’t think I’d laugh that hard. Man, the thought of the Avenger firing homing bullets is a different kind of ridiculous. “Bye bye, Terra!”</font color>

Regarding the Deliverance, tho, that’s very true for most everyone. But there’s a reason I named these three weapons – fire-and-forget. In the case of the Gunerang and Deliverance, it’s all about air defense. For the Deliverance, I usually use it to pursue outbound airborne, and switch to Rambo (pistols/SMGs/ARs) for inbound.


A lot of the links and images are broken, but theres still some pretty useful info here - http://oldforums.gearboxsoftware.com/oldforums/20150308233717/http://oldforums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=376355


Best trick when chucking solo…(Best with gunerangs and avengers)

Get yourself a Tediore Allegience Relic…HUGE mag size

Start chucking with it equipped

Before your first chucks start to hit, GO TO MENU

Equip whatever Bone relic of the element you are attacking with

And Equip a Grenadier Mod (if Axton)

Now…as your chucks hit…your grenade damage will be effectively quadrupled. MASSIVE damage if Avengers with a Bee…just massive!

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New one that occurred to me – does a Two for One Gunerang</font color> output more per reload than a non-x2 Gunerang</font color>?

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Nope. The reload damage is entirely based upon base damage (not the x2 projectiles) x Mag size.
Thus, a higher mag size Gunerang will be the optimum choice for reload damage.

Look here for more good stuff about Tediore and Reload damage: http://oldforums.gearboxsoftware.com/oldforums/20150308233717/http://oldforums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=376355

Hope this helps.

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You should port that over here, AS, before it gets lost.


Good thinking. Thanks for reminding me, gulf.