This might be obvious to some, but I’m gonna ask anyway since
someone’s bound to ask the exact same thing(s) (sooner-or-)later.
I lack the required gear to test 99% (figuratively) of these out on.
you guys are more knowledgeable than I.
So, the questions…:
Which prefix is better for the reload’s damage – damage or magazine?
Does faster (weapon) fire rate affect the reload’s spew rate?
For the help/responses, many thanks in advance.
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(Goodbye friends and not friends, it's been a fun ride)
Not sure on the deliverance but for the gunerange it’s either jam packed or super afaik.
Avenger I I think it’s refill or hefty again not sure
I’ll go check the Axton top gear as the avenger and gunerange are on there.
Edit: just checked and those are the ones listed.
Regarding fire rate affecting the reload spew, nuts. And the toast lands jam-side down. Gotta admit, I was hoping for that. As for these, I mentioned them specifically for the spew mechanisms – Deliverance and Gunerang are both flying homing weapons…
Speaking of which, I forgot to research if the Avenger also homes on enemies, even if via bouncing. :facepalm: Got one, and I SO need to test it later…
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(Goodbye friends and not friends, it's been a fun ride)
Um I’ve never tested to see if the avengers baby bullets are boosted by fire rate. @johnrr6 might know tho. I’m pretty sure they don’t home in on the enemy. As for the gunerange/deliverance the gunerang is good for chucking because
It can have a large mag size.
It has a pretty large ammo pool to draw from.
The deliverance can’t get its mag very high and doesn’t have a large ammo pool your better off with an omen if you need a tediore shotgun.
No, I meant the gun itself when reload-thrown. I read somewhere that the Bouncing Bettie grenade has a soft-home feature, bouncing towards enemies, and was wondering if the Avenger had the same thing.
If the Avenger’s reload fired homing bullets, that’d be OP as hell.
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(Goodbye friends and not friends, it's been a fun ride)
Sorry I meant the gun for the homing effect not the bullets it spews they don’t home in.but hopefully John can help u more than I can
Wow, I didn’t think I’d laugh that hard. Man, the thought of the Avenger firing homing bullets is a different kind of ridiculous. “Bye bye, Terra!”</font color>
Regarding the Deliverance, tho, that’s very true for most everyone. But there’s a reason I named these three weapons – fire-and-forget. In the case of the Gunerang and Deliverance, it’s all about air defense. For the Deliverance, I usually use it to pursue outbound airborne, and switch to Rambo (pistols/SMGs/ARs) for inbound.
Nope. The reload damage is entirely based upon base damage (not the x2 projectiles) x Mag size.
Thus, a higher mag size Gunerang will be the optimum choice for reload damage.