Scorpio vs Dahl Mingun....What on earth is going on here?

I’ve always loved the good old Scorpio…especially with the right parts and a Bee…

It’s like an "Assault Sniper: and can be deadly in the right hand/cicumstances.

But I and others have always assumed that a good Purple Dahl Minigun firing 9 rounds per burst (vs 6-7 per burst from the Scorpio) will out damage a Scorpio.

I went to the range with almost identical parts Deep Scorpio and Deep Minigun and are these pictures lying??
Is there something going on with the Red Text of the Scorpio that we don’t understand? Or the Scorpio with the Bee?

The Minigun is only registering 3 hits but these could be stacked hits registering simultaneously because the FR is so fast on the burst, and 9 divided by 3 = 3…so that kind of makes sense.

And the Scorpio is registering 5 hits, with one obviously a stacked hit, so 6 hits total.

But if you add the numbers:
Scorpio = 38,040K
Mingun = 24.771K

That’s a HUGE difference. What on earth is going on here??


The scorpio has a changing burst every time you shoot it.

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Interesting… I actually gave my Scorpio a two-level OP buff to put it on par with my other Dahl assault rifles. Off to the laboratory!

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The top gear may need changing

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Most of the time 5-6 shots…sometimes 7

But even 5 would out damage the Minigun if I read the numbers right…

And this with the Deep Prefix and Vladof grip which makes the burst REALLY fast and tight.

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Hey john I’m loving all these testing threads keep um coming. Also maybe compare say the little evie to a normal umbrage

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Little Evie to Shock Umbrage???

What Parts???

And for this one I probably will not farm as it could take forever…will have to resort to the software to manufacture…Although I will not keep anything I manufacture as it just doesn’t seem “sporting”…

But for science…I will bend a little…LOL


I’d say probable mailwan grip and potent prefix (damage). It doesnt matter how you obtain them in my eyes.

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When you ADS the game reads the item card as having a x3 multiplier, but doesn’t display it initially as when you hip fire you don’t shoot 3 bullets per trigger pull. The same thing happens with the shotgun Fibber as it says x1 on the card, and it shoots 7 bullets per trigger pull but the amp is still divided by 7.

So while ADSing with the Minigun the amp is divided by 3. So with and only with the Bee other Dahl rifles do better than the Minigun, but all other scenarios the Minigun still wins.

At least this is what I gathered from my test.


What is the listed card damage (or the base damage from a body shot with a single round)?

edit - further testing confirms @khimerakiller’s results with amp shields, but I don’t think you’re using those in this test?

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Wait were any of those questions for me?

But yeah he has the Bee on.

You can see it in his screenshot too.

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Ok. Nice catch, by the way; I never would have guessed that the minigun bursts shared the amp draw.

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Kinda confirms my uneducated belief that the Scorpio is pretty good …with bee…

And that tight shot pattern and FR makes it like a Skulsmasher…only it can be elemental…with a huge ammo pool

And the red text helps.

I ran the Beatdown with it several times…at OP8 to confirm.

If you are good with crits and have decent standoff tactics so your shield stays up…and seems best with a Chaotic Evil Mod.

You can literally sit back and pick off enemies at range till the cows come home.

And it’s an easy to get quest gun…semi easy to farm for right parts

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Yes…and kind of changes my belief about how valuable a minigun is because I’d only really consider using it with a bee.

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Thanks for the info- the Scorpio is one of the weapons I never really found a use for- in my new play thrus I might give it more than just a glance…

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I’m gonna pose the question
Does it deserve a top gear spot
Not looking for a huge debate

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My vote is no. The only time it worth using is mobbing with the Bee. And I may be biased but 95% of the time you shouldn’t use the Bee while mobbing.

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Fair enough I really don’t want to edit it very much anymore but I will if I need to.


I say no as well. It’s good but still rather niche like KK says. But do we want to leave the mini gun in? I mean splitting the amp damage on it really Kind of hinders it.

At lower levels it’s still probably quite good but from 61 on I don’t think anyone will use it even for Mobbing.

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With slag/matching elements/crits it kills fast not sure on body shots I’d have to go find one to test.

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