What do you think about TPS now?(need help)

I really want to know what are you guys think about TPS now. I would like to get some info before I get it since it’s discount 62 percent from real total price (I’m in SEA so it’s not exact 60 dollars at the first place for me…I don’t know why) and I can’t find the old forum anymore. :confused:
Anyway is the difficulty is as high as BL2 like one-six direct hit equal down?
Is the Cryo is still a must have like slag in BL2?
Are most of legendary really the same to BL2?
And I have heard someone from Steam review for something like there are bunch of death pit, is that true? One more thing. Is the environment in TPS is really that boring?

I really need some info before I buy it because I can’t buy both TPS and Talos principle in the same time.

[quote=“sundragon2, post:1, topic:122192, full:true”]
… Anyway is the difficulty is as high as BL2 like one-six direct hit equal down?
Is the Cryo is still a must have like slag in BL2?
Are most of legendary really the same to BL2?
And I have heard someone from Steam review for something like there are bunch of death pit, is that true? One more thing. Is the environment in TPS is really that boring? [/quote]
Wow, you really have been at SEA haven’t you (don’t know what that stands for?)
Anyway, consensus is –
– TPS is not as hard as BL2
– Cryo’s not a must have but it works great (certain circumstances)
– Lot of legendaries are the same, with some fixes & a few new
– re: “death pits” – yeah, the Holodome’s more challenging and takes longer, with some good rewards. There’s also the Shock Drop Slaughter Pit that was available – short, simple, no useful reward (IMHO)
– re: boring – read more posts on this forum & you will see lots of complaints; not from me – I like it!

Um South East Asia, sorry I’m not at sea. Ha ha ha.
And no. Death pits I mean something like cliff or hole.
Anyway thanks to tell me about it. :smile:

I think by Death Pits he means the endless holes in the ground that’ll kill you. Deathfalls.

As for those, there’s a lot of them but they’re mostly easy to avoid. Except for those times you just get lazy or experimental and end up frustrating yourself because you HAVE to take the long way around things-

Other than its boring-ass level design, I like TPS.

EDIT: Damnit, beat to it.

EDIT2: Short answer? I’d reccomend TPS. Even as an avid BL2 player.

Good questions all. Here are the answers plus some of my opinions.

Anyway is the difficulty is as high as BL2 like one-six direct hit equal down? I would say the bosses are on par, the general difficulty as about the same for first and second playthroughs but the third playthrough (UVHM) is not as difficult. UVHM badass enemies can be killer, several kills in fact if you don’t have the right approach.
Is the Cryo is still a must have like slag in BL2? Certainly not. They can be helpful with those badasses though (see above)
Are most of legendary really the same to BL2? Yes, the guns are the same with some different names with added legendaries for the laser type. New shields, grenade, oz kit and, obviously, class mod legendaries.
And I have heard someone from Steam review for something like there are bunch of death pit, is that true? If you mean slaughter pit like in BL1/2 then there is are two DLCs, one that came with preorder and one that is DLC. The latter is 5 rounds with the fifth round repeatable ad infinitum. It also adds new class mods and weapons.
One more thing. Is the environment in TPS is really that boring? I would not say they are boring but they do mimic BL2, a snow place, a flora/fauna area, a city like place, etc.

All in all, the game is just different. There are new classes so that makes it just fun to go through. There is the vertically of it all and the slam which change the gaming experience. A few new enemy types, new vehicles, and different humor. It is more of the same but a fun more if you ask my opinion, which I think you are. If you purchase, have fun!


Hey thank you you two for telling me about those things that I want to know. :slight_smile: (I can’t find double quote here sorry. :stuck_out_tongue: )

And ok. I will decide about it soon. :wink:


Especially if you are getting it at a 62% discount.

Is it perfect? No

Is it worth the cost, especially at that price,? Yes.

And the big Campaign DLC hasn’t been released yet or the farmable bosses patch which I personally feel will add great benefits to this game.

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And that big campaign is revealed…[Torgue] AND I WAS LIKE OMG THIS GONNA BE SICK!![End Torgue] http://mentalmars.com/game-news/claptraps-fantastic-voyage-campaign-addon/

Anyway thanks again for suggestion. :smile:

UVHM was softscaled this time around. Badasses become loads more powerful, but trash mobs are still trash mobs. Cryo is not a must have, but I guarantee you it is a fun as ****! There’s legendary overlap definitly. There is a large amount of arena’s in the game. There’s 2 DLC arenas available for purchase and a new mode in the upcoming DLC. The environment is kinda the same looking in themes. The main themes are Moon-Inside buildings on the moon-Space-Erdian vault.

ditto what johnrr6 said, price is right.

If it’s on sale and you enjoy playing Borderlands, buy it.

It’s a lot easier than BL2.
No, cryo is not necessary. I just played UVHM a lot today, got about 70% of the way through, have not resorted to cryo once.
There are a number of legendaries that are the same, some of minor modifications, some were left out altogether.
Yes, most of the environments in TPS are either boring or repetitive. Here’s the moon! Here’s Helios!
And death pits, yes but they are pretty easy to avoid.

The Haymaker shield is a fantastic reward for completing shock drop pit.
if I need a good shield while leveling I go there for guaranteed great shield

Just realised one of these would be great for my melee Athena! I needs to get me another Haymaker!!!

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