As the title already gives away, this build is centered around using Jakobs weapons.
The intention was to gett the Unforgiven to work, and keeping accuracy to allow sniping aswell in most situations.
However, the build still allows for a in your face playstyle with tradational, non-elemental Jakobs weaponry.
The gear that gets used is (relatively) easy to find, except for the shield choice.
Here-in, Discord looping is a thing, but used to go from 100 back to somewhere between 65/70; the more accuracy, the better for most of the loadout.
For a more up to date OP10 version of this build, I high recommend Shedinja’s Meredith Lives.
Close Enough 5/5: Used to advance to the third tier of skills, and comes in handy when there’s a moment where accuracy is a non-issue.
Cooking Up Trouble: Taking advantage from Jakobs’ traits, gives more survivability.
The Better Half 1/5: To diminsh the drawback on the Unforgiven, a single point is neough for the COM that will be used.
Upshot Robot 1/1: More DT to help in the field, nice little bonus to melee damage aswell, benefits both DT and WC.
Unstoppable Force 3/5: Excellent shield related skill when BSS doesn’t cut it, nice movement boost aswell. Not as important in this build, unless you go in your face with the enemy.
More Pep 5/5: Used to advance more into the tree, but also to give a boost to IO.
Myelin 5/5: By far my personaly favorite defensive skill, shield cap does not do that much but the 30% shock resistance is a help.
Shock Storm 5/5: Since the main intention is to keep accuracy in check, why not go for a AOE skill that got recently patched? Situational, but it does help in stripping nearby enemies’ shields.
Strength Of 5 Gorillas 5/5: To give DT a nice damage boost.
Shock and Agh! 1/1: Act as a Tesla grenade! Initial damage is pitiful, but it gives good dot. With the frequency it goes off on Jakobs shotguns it definetly comes in handy.
Interspersed Outburst 5/5: Free slag, too much RNG behind it but when it kicks it it’ll allow you to hit harder, the reason why MP has 5 points.
Smaller, Lighter Faster 4/4: Essential to go deeper into this tree, but still something that comes in handy.
Anarchy 1/1: Main damage dealer.
Annoyed Android: 2/5: The skill used to sink a few points in.
Robot Rampage 1/1: New toy for DT, increases his melee damage in bursts.
Blood Soaked Shields 5/5: Another defensive skill, 5% health loss on kill gets easily compensated.
Discord 1/1: Emergency health regen and getting a huge firerate boost when it is nescecary.
Typecast Iconoclast 5/5: Faster anarchy stack gain. Maybe contradicting for this build, so removing 3 points and using them on AA is a choice.
Rational Anarchist 1/1: Bit of a damage boost on our first reload/kill, every bit helps.
Nth Degree 5/5: Hugely beneficial for multi-pellet weapons,and CE in this build.
With Claws 1/1: Only occasionally used, but gives decent damage on slagged enemies, and it provides some health regen. Gets use when using non-Striker shotguns.
The gear:
Unforgiven: Reason why TBH gets used in this build. Could use more crit damage but once you can negate the low firerate it is not a bad weapon.
-Against Loaders: Maggie revolver that wants to be a shotgun, high raw damage and high DPS is why this gets chosen to be used against all kinds of Loaders.
Muckamuck A nice all around rifle that will work just fine. However:
-Alternatives: Hawk Eye, a harder hitting take on the Muck, severe penalties for doign body shots, but with a sniper rifle, no one’s aiming for the limbs anyway. Downside is that it’s only dropped by Voracidious.
Striker: A monster of a shotgun. One of the reasons this build became a thing.
Tidal Wave: Maybe not as traditional, but this shotgun has pseudo-B0re, a ricochet ability (which possibly means no CE penalty) and a spread that screams to be used against Loaders.
-Alternative: Coach Gun or Quad, Coach Gun provides a good balance between damage and ammo per shot, the Quad puts out vastly more damage but it’s also very hungry.
[quote]For OP8, the loadout will change a bit:
Pistols: The original has the Unforgiven, but the fire rate isn’t enough compared to the damage output when you take DR and health regen into account. Stick with the Maggie, or go for the Iron.
Spec: The 1 point in Better Half is to help the Unforgiven and Buffalo, so on OP8 take that point out and put it in Unstoppable Force.
Com: A purple Prodigy is pointless since there is no Better Half now. Go with a blue that is +6 to Cooking Up Trouble.[/quote]
Thanks to @ACNAero for trying it on OP8, and giving me this info.
Optional gear:
Bekah: Used against pesky Constructors, optional on 72, a must on OP8.
Shield: Blockade, the Anshin that takes damage reduction in a diffirent way. Over 30% DR makes sure that Gaige can tank damage. Combined with BSS you will be sure to last long.
Grenade: Your prefered method to slag enemies: Crossfire, Magic Missile, etc.
Class Mod: Prodigy, the extra accuracy is what made this build easier to handle, and the extra reload speed is welcome due to Jakobs’ natural low mag sizes.
Relic:Allegiance relic: recoil reduction and accuracy recovery. Removes some/most of the kick the weapons have, and it is another thing that just plain benefits the Unforgiven.
Usefull links (might happen that more will be added in the future):
List of prefixes, and what grips do
DDD: Min-maxing your gear
-Personal notes:
Due to the accurate nature of this build, on the sniper rifles I recommend the stability prefix, and on the Striker either Huntin’ or Doc’s.
To do:
-Write a better introduction
-Adding exact skill values with the COM that is used.
Might do a second one in the future. Here it is: