Well since I took charge of the top gear guide for Axton I figured I’d post my most used builds
http://bl2skills.com/commando.html#55052125015203515010015050133100 My explosive build
http://bl2skills.com/commando.html#55055140010505010000015051155151 My double up Gemini build.
Not really looking for advice because of how long I’ve used them.
I would like to hear your thoughts on them.
regarding your explosive build i would use this build http://bl2skills.com/commando.html#15155125015105015510015050150100 as if you put on a legendary solder class mod anything more than 6/5 in sentry, expertise, and healthy is overkill. and u should max out onslaught battlefront, and metal storm as they massively increase your damage per second(dps). put one point in laser sight so u know what your turrets slagging.also why not put points in duty calls as explosive counts as non elemental and it will give u more dps. and i would put points into quick charge because of survival and if your using a swordplosion the child explosions will damage u a quite a bit and take points out of resourceful because the legendary solider already makes the cool down pretty quick.
- The explosive build never uses a legendary soldier
- Battle front is maxed.
- I don’t Max metal storm because the fastball plus slag one shots most mobs anyways
- Onslaught isn’t maxed because all Axton’s gun damage buffs are additive and the bonus movement speed isn’t the best thing ever.
- Laser sight is Axtons’s worst skill IMO it makes your turret aim slower also I kill so fast slag is only needed on really tough enemies
- Duty calls doesn’t affect explosive because explosive is its own element
- I want as much cool down I can get without using the legendary soldier or engineer
I hope I covered everything any more advice/questions
I don’t know what you’re talking about, Bonus move speed is definately the best thing ever
OK its good but I don’t like to play Axton where I go from cover to cover so I don’t Max it. I prefer a in your face blowing the f**k outta everything type play style.
What can I say after hundreds of hours on Axton I settled for this hybrid build. Yes I know its not the best but it works great.
i can accept your critics as it is a grenade build and i didn’t make it for a grenade build. but i didn’t realize that laser sight made your turret aim slower and i have heard that explosive is it not is own element so if can give some proof that it is it’s element that would be nice
I remember seeing that explosive isn’t boosted by duty calls I’ll ask a pro tho @johnrr6 help me out
Explosive NOT boosted by Duty Calls.
Explosive is weird in the game…some times it is treated as an “element”
And sometimes not.