I want to ask why no one is using Inconceivable?

Is it bad? I mean i saw many build and all build not using this pasiive its bugged or something like that? :smiley:

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No, it’s generally considered one of the best skills in the game. It works just fine. The game’s been out long enough that builds with Inconceivable can seem boring to people, so they try out other stuff.


Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
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Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M


Lolwut? Isn’t that skill like the main reason the sheeple use RRs?

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I don’t think that means what you think it means.


I use rough rider/inconceivable when I play Sal. You got a problem?

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i think he’s tryn tu luk inelktual and liek that. ; )

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I assume he’s being sarcastic. That seems to be a thing around these parts.:grinning:

Anyway, its a great skill and outside of deputy builds almost everyone uses it. Asking this is kind of like asking why no one uses death mark on Zero, its a bit out of left field considering everyone has it. :smile:

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Outside of Deputy builds, I have NEVER seen a build without it posted on the forum nor on YouTube.

Even with a Deputy build, it’s one of the most frequently asked question: why no Inconceivable?

People know it’s good. I would always spec it unless you have a very precise reason not to.