Bloodsplosion and Cobra Farming

I’m aware that Bloodsplosion prevents drops from some enemies (Pete, Jimbo/Tector, etc), but I don’t know if this affects common enemies, specifically, in this case, Burners. I’ve noticed that common enemies killed by Bloodsplosion seem to drop only nades if anything at all, and since I’m about to farm for a Cobra with Krieg, I’m concerned that I might be cutting my chances for a Cobra drop if I’m specced into Bloodsplosion.

Could someone who knows more about this explain how Bloodsplosion affects drops, please?

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Bloodsplosion get buffs from bloodlust stacks. If you have x100 stacks when bloodsploding…You lose loot.

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Why would the number of stacks determine whether or not an enemy drops loot?

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Because bloodlust stacks enhance the bloodsplosion dmg. And that’s what destoys the loot xD

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So, 100 stacks prevents loot drops in all enemies, and less than 100 stacks does not prevent loot drops

OK, thanks for the reply.

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It doesn’t destroy all loot, but it does prevent Pete from dropping some of his because he has two separate drops and the explosion prevents his second drop from processing.


Huh, I never knew this. I’m not a Krieg player at all but have played co-op with randoms that were Krieg. Does bloodsplosion also affect co-op?

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Right, Pete drops loot, just not his designated 1-in-10 loot, which is from the head, same with Jimbo/Tector and the Slagga drop, apparently. My concern here is that I don’t understand the mechanic, and want to know if bloodsplosion affects other enemies, specifically common enemies, like the Burners.

My casual observation was that common enemies killed by Bloodsplosion drop nades if anything, but just because it might appear to be so, doesn’t mean that it is. So, I’m asking if Bloodsplosion affects drops from common enemies, and more specifically: could it affect a Cobra drop from Burners?

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This isn’t really a 100% answer to your question, but if you’re worried about Bloodbath replacing loot when you blow stuff up, you don’t have to worry about that. it adds the grenades as a seperate drop.


Right, well, I wasn’t worried that nades were replacing other gear drops, but that I see less money/health/gear drops from bloodsplosion chains. And it’s also not that I’m worried about a Pete situation, because the cobra isn’t a special drop really, or at least it didn’t used to be - it used to be a chance from a purple sniper drop. And that’s really my concern, that, mistakenly or not, I see less gear drop, or it seems that a lot less gear drops from bloodsplosion kills, other than the nades. But I don’t really know, which is why I’m asking.

Wingsday - you’re a dedicated Krieg player, what’s your observation of bloodsplosion drops? One of my references is from farming BA tokens in Pete’s Bar, as well as Burners in the Beatdown. With Bloodsplosion specced, it seems - seems- like a lot of nades but markedly less money and gear. I had a few Beatdown runs in a row with no gear drops and a few others with one or two, and that’s not normal.

I’ve spent time in the Beatdown with the other classes and Krieg with other builds, I kinda have an idea of what to expect as far as drops in Pete’s Bar and the Beatdown, and it seems like less gear dropping. But again, I don’t trust my own observations regarding drops - it’s just the nature of our psychologies to see what we wish to be or what we fear to be. I’m aware of my own bias regarding stuff like this.

But I’m about to commit to a pretty stiff farm. The drop rates, according to GBX, have increased, but I’ve farmed it some since then, and it still seems like a pretty stiff farm. And because bloodsplosion does affect drops in a couple bosses, even though those drops are special drops, it seems like a good idea to understand how bloodsplosion affects drops in common enemies. Clearly, it does affect drops at least to the extent that bloodsplosion kills drop nades. Whether or not it affects gear drops from common enemies is something to be cleared before investing time into a stiff farm that could possibly be more than doubled or tripled unnecessarily because 1/2 to 2/3 of the enemies aren’t dropping gear.

You might say, “Err on the side of caution and spec out”, and that makes sense, but bloodsplosion is a huge time-saver with mobs like that, and that’s important in that farm, so ideally, I’d like to use it if I can - if it doesn’t screw with the drops.

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I’ve been farming the Cobra with another Maya and a Gaige, and we haven’t seen it, so I don’t think K’s BS skill affects the main loot drops. At least I haven’t noticed any difference. Make sure you have the latest patch and hotfixes and you should be okay with the meat-man.


Gulfwulf, how many gear drops - like guns, nade mods, shields, relics, coms, etc - do you typically see in a run?

I’m not concerned because I haven’t had a cobra drop, I’m not really expecting an easy drop, I’m concerned because I’m not seeing much gear at all drop using bloodslosion. If they’re not dropping gear, then they’re probably not going to drop a cobra, because it’s probably a chance from a gear drop. Before the last patches, the cobra drop was a chance from a purple sniper. I don’t know how a cobra drop works now, but if it’s a chance from a certain gear drop, a higher chance on a purple sniper, a chance on a blue sniper, or something like this, then the less gear that drops from commons means a lower chance at a cobra.

Do you see what I’m saying? I’m not concerned that the cobra drop is akin to Pete’s Seraph drop, I’m concerned that the Burners offed by bloodsplosion seem to drop little to no gear, so if the cobra drop is tied to a sniper drop like it used to be, or some other drop, then the chances of getting one are reduced if bloodsplosion has some effect on Burner drops (i.e., if they’re not dropping white pistols, they’re not dropping purple snipers). I don’t know that this is the case, but it seems like significantly less gear drops when Krieg is specced into bloodsplosion. That might just all be in my head, but given that bloodsplosion does affect boss drops, and it affects nade drops in common enemies, it’s worth knowing if it affects the gear drops of common enemies if the cobra is still tied to a gear drop.

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I have no idea. Most of it is crap so I either pick it up to sell, for ammo, or ignore it. I haven’t noticed any differences between Maya and Krieg though, but I haven’t done any actual testing. I still say you should be fine because most enemies only have one loot source I think. Pete has two, which is why the BS can interfere with it.


Why do you mention Jimbo & tector as being affected by bloodsplosion? I was farming the Slagga with Krieg and bloodsploding that group of mobs and the Slagga seemed to drop at a normal rate.

Pyro pete is a special case because of the way the extra loot comes out of his head. There is a thread about it somewhere.

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If you EVER get a cobra drop, make sure you have it on video and post it…it’s like the seeing a Siberian Tiger running down the local high street :smile:


They raised the drop rate for the Cobra with the last patch. It’s not like it’s guaranteed to drop every time you head into The Beatdown, but I’ve already seen a lot of people get it after the patch. It’s still a very unusual drop, but it’s no longer as rare as it used to be.


Holy lootmungus batman, that’s good to know. Took them a WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE bit long to do it, but they did after all this time which is good, because they have addressed the forums feedback.

I tried so many times in the past, fingers crossed, the future looks good :smile:


Keep in mind that it still might take a whole lot of runs to get it. But at least it isn’t a pointless endeavor anymore.


Yeh but it’s not that good a gun. Have a fist full from the loot hunt… Which I would not mind another hunt. Odjurymir is a tight fisted ■■■■. Dropped me a hail in one pass. No special drop in three tries.

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Ye I used it, but I had to trade for one. And I don’t trade anymore, and only use the weapons I pick up. So even though it’s not super badass, it’s nice to see them still fixing the game and I think they’ve made a big change in the way they interact with the fan base. And believe it or not, even after 2 years I still like hunting Legendaries and Special weapons, kinda what I always loved. When I got it on the PS4 I restarted from scratch, so it’s nice to get everything again instead of just importing it all from the PS3 saves.

Nothing will ever take away the fun I have with a Pimpernel…