A question about bone relics

So, while I am putting farming a decent jakobs allegiance relic on the backburner due to getting unreasonably bored farming the snowman, I decided I wanted to keep the bone relic for now because I have become pretty reliant on the cooldown bonus with how I play, and bones are relatively easy to farm. Now, I am not using a single elemental weapon in my loadout (Hammer Buster, Maggie, Hydra, with generally nothing in the 4th gun spot). The bone I have been using is fire, because it was what I had, and it happened to be at max stats for my level. The bonus to burn doesn’t really do much for me, except maybe give immolate a boost (maybe, I honestly don’t know), which really doesn’t seem necessary. I was thinking of switching to a corrosive bone to boost cloud kill (if it boosts the cloud, which I also don’t know). So, I ask you, experts on Maya out there, what do you think is better: Fire or corrosive bone on a jakobs maya?

If I remember right the Bone doesnt boost the Base Dammage of an Elemental weapon but it does boost the DoT which is why I use a Corrosive Bone for my build to boost Cloud Kill and for the added Cooldown Rate.

If I’m wrong someone please feel free to enlighten me.

I believe this is a question for @Troubled, who has been known to dabble in Jakobs weaponry with Maya on occasion :blush:

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Trades: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/poisd2strikes-humble-shop/367700
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M

A Jakobs Allegiance relic with Recoil Reduction and Accuracy Recovery will do you a lot more good than a Bone relic, especially if you get a hold of a Legendary Siren COM (or any COM that boosts cooldown for that matter) and have five points in Quicken. The Bone Relics are often best in slot due to the elemental bonus being very significant for elemental weaponry.

If you use only Jakobs there is only one incendiary revolver that has the western themed company’s logo stamped on it and it is not exactly a top tier weapon. The only corrosive weapon in the Jakobs arsenal is an even poorer choice. For shock there is the Twister and that is about it as far as elemental weapons go in regards to Jakobs. Rest are non-elemental with the oddball Cobra being a slight exception.

Immolate and Cloud Kill hit very hard as is and if you want to boost their damage up Phaselock with Ruin, Scorn or any other means of slag will work. I personally use the purple Magic Missiles alongside Ruin to pass out a ton of slag.

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Thanks for the responses all.

[quote=“Troubled, post:4, topic:1120433”]
A Jakobs Allegiance relic with Recoil Reduction and Accuracy Recovery will do you a lot more good than a Bone relic
[/quote] I know. The whole reason for this post is because I got tired of farming for one, and I like the cooldown bonus of a bone.

From my original post:

The base of my question, is which would be better to boost; Immolate or Cloud Kill. I am using all NE Jakobs guns otherwise (current gear in initial post). I am hoping to come across a good allegiance relic, but this is to tide me over since I a bit burnt of farming for one at the moment and bones are an easier farm.

Me too. I ■■■■■■■ love this combination

My bad.

Immolate is a brief but potent buff. If you’re in the position where you are using Immolate a lot and for extended periods of time you are in way over your head. It is Maya’s “oh ■■■■” skill for when the you-know-what hits the fan. Cloud Kill on the other hand is up and running a lot and is an extremely potent skill even in the Over Power levels. That and Cloud Kill is usable in FFYL mode as well.

Cloud Kill is a very potent skill, enough to the point that what used to take a few shots from the Unforgiven to kill only requires 1-2 shots if slag is involved.

I think that seals it for me, thanks duder. Corrosive Bone it is. I will continue to sacrifice virgins to the almighty RNG gods for my Allegiance Relic as well. I don’t think the almighty RNG likes my sacrifices though. This mercenary day season has been ■■■■■■ for loot :slight_smile:

On a side note, I really need to set up mules. I had the perfect allegiance relic, bones of every variety, and a couple unforgivens, but not they are gone, gone, gone, woah woah.

Sheriff and Deputy Badges can be used as stop-gap relics until you get an actual allegiance relic. Also magazine size is not as useful as the other two buffs for the simple fact that you do not empty Jakobs weapons that fast and Maya has a few skills that help with reload speed and magazine size as is.

I would also add that @maxageddon should consider putting 1 point into Kinetic Reflection, since 1 point is enough to reflect enemy bullets for a short time upon killing an enemy (7 seconds, IIRC) and since Kinetic Reflection can proc Cloud Kill. I still have to update the builds in my ‘signature’ to account for both Cloud Kill and 1 point in Kinetic Reflection. Just haven’t gotten around to that yet :blush:

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Trades: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/poisd2strikes-humble-shop/367700
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M

I have seen Kinetic Reflection do that which is both funny and annoying. Funny in how it can kill enemies and annoying when you are trying to blow up some dangerous enemy and are hoping for Cloud Kill to proc on them instead of the Engineer/Bandit that is shooting you with a pistol.

I already gave up my deputies badge on this playthrough to my sal, but the Hydra really doesn’t need the boost. It is point blank death as is. I was thinking about the deputies, but I’m using the hammer buster as my primary. Absolutely love that gun. If ever get my grubby hands on a Bekah, I am sure that will replace it.

I thought about that. I noticed with the Antagonist it does it as well. The only reason I switched to a blockade and havent gone into KR is I kind of like having more control over who to lay the cloud on. But I am a fickle ■■■■■■■■■■■■ and am constantly altering my builds as my moods change. I’ll likely try it out to see how it plays out.

Same for me. Since the greatly appreciated update that “fixed” Maya’s Cataclysm tree I spected into Cloud Kill and was using the Antagonist but found my death cloud was never where I wanted it so I dropped it for the Big Boom Blaster.

Edit: This is the first time my phone did the Quote Reply correctly :smile:

It does boost the base damage. Its a multiplicative increase for elemental weapons. Its in Derch’s TGBatU video on e-tech relics.

Thanks for the correction, does it also boost DoT?

it does indeed

Maya’s Fox and Witch COMs also boost DOTs, but I can’t in good faith recomend you use the Witch COM…it’s pretty bad, the Fox is alright though.

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I know I’m late here, but I have to say corrosive Bone > allegiance relic, all day, every day. I’ve been using the corrosive Bone for my default relic for awhile, including many occasions running with only non-elemental weapons. Even on Peak runs or in places dominated by fleshy enemies, I kill plenty fast. I lucked into Horse Bekah and Horse Hammer Buster, but even my Maggie isn’t presenting recoil problems, and I use it in short distance, fast moving situations.

There is no greater stat for Maya to maximize than time, and cooldown improvement equals time.

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To answer the OP:
I usally roll a Corrosive bone on my normal Maya, I switch out for a Jakobs allegiance relic sometimes, but that’s pretty much it, espically when I’m playing solo. I don’t really switch Bones anymore just because CK does so much damage and I rely on it and the Bekah to deal with armored enemies.

I would say fire. Maya has quite a few fire skills, Helios, Blight Pheonix, IMMOLATE, etc. Immolate is already multiplicative, so adding in another multiplicative boost will just make it that much more potent. Keep your max-stats Fire Bone and you’ll be splendid.

I lucked into a horse hammer buster as well. The only time the recoil gets me is at long range, but not always. I have developed a helluva affinity for Jakobs weaponry at this point. The allegiance relic would make my Rex a bit more useful though, but the Hammer Buster is one of my favorite guns, so I dont mind not having the pseudo sniper.

[quote=“stuarthome3, post:19, topic:1120433, full:true”]
I would say fire. Maya has quite a few fire skills, Helios, Blight Pheonix, IMMOLATE, etc. Immolate is already multiplicative, so adding in another multiplicative boost will just make it that much more potent. Keep your max-stats Fire Bone and you’ll be splendid.
[/quote] Very true, although immolate is the only one I spec into. Even with the update and fire bone, I found Helios a but lackluster, although I’d work it in if I decide to switch coms. The interesting thing is, I don’t know if it matters. CK is a monster now, and immolate already was. It may be a matter of preference, but I think I need to run through both and see how it goes.