Tank build for Maya

I have heard a ton if not too much about converge and splitting bullets and stuff, but i wanted to make a new build regarding being a tank. The ward is far extra shield capacity, the supension is for extra tine with thoughtlock, and inertia for extra tanking (more on that later), converge (I got this one at level 43) for grouping enemies easier, wreck increases the DPS of everything during a thoughtlock chain, res and restoration is for multiplayer compatibility, and flicker is for better slag chance. I call this set, Thoughtblock. I use the Slagga so I can slag a bunch of enemies and then switch to deal massive damage along with slagging an enemy and then using thoughtlock to have his friends take him out with me. I use the good touch for topping off my health when a thoughtlock is unavailable. I use may use the Pimpernel but I dont know, a lot of testing will be done to find the best sniper for this set. I am unsure about the last but if anyone has suggestions I am open to ideas, I am currently using the infinity, it at least counts for a backup and at level 41 a level 35 infinity is working fine. The class mod I am using is a Chrono binder with suspension to really maximize the use of thoughtlock. The shield I could be using is probably the Neogenator. As far as relics go I am using the vault hunter relic for getting better stuff but the final will probably be a health relic. All pretty basic, but the meat of it comes into play during battle through certain tactics. One of which is a tactic I call One by one. It involves thoughtlocking a weak enemy such as a psycho and letting the psycho go die by his buddies. When you get all of the enemies grouped together you can get a chain of sorts going where you can just keep shooting and you deal all kinds of damage and cause mayhem without barely a scratch at the end of it. Because of sweet release when this happens health orbs are released to recover you while you hide, then subsequence kicks in and it moves to another enemy, and if it is done right, at least a few will die by the time it is over and health orbs will be flying your way. Another tactic is using surveyors for shielding and healing through thoughtlock, another one of its uses is being able to kill even a higher level enemy that is way tough by using his allies by just thoughtlocking him. It is a great build for mobbing though I am working on the best way to deal with bosses. I hope some of this helps so for some of you guys, if you have any suggestions please tell me.

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A couple of things:

  • do you have any DLC? I noticed that all of the items you mentioned are from the base game.
  • I recomend moving the points from fleet to Inertia, Inertia is super strong, giving you constant shield regen while in combat.
  • I recomed you dont use the HoT, it’s not that great of a shield (the way you’re trying to use it anyway) and melee maya just isn’t very good. on the other hand, the Neg is a great choice.
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Thanks, I was unsure about inertia but I will probably give it a shot to see what I think. I dont have any DLC right now but I am thinking I probably will. I will remove the HoT, part of this is actually still being built so this is all subject to change.

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If by “As far as relics go I am using the rarity relic” you mean this
It’s really only good for getting more Blue/Green stuff in normal mode and sadly not much else. I would recommend either a Relic that increases max health or boosts shield stats.

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Jerikfuse -

The reason you hear a ton about converge and splitting bullets is because that’s the sh** that works lol. Even if you don’t want Chain Reaction (but you might if you’re using bullets), do yourself a favor and at least take Converge. If nothing else, it brings other enemies closer to your Thoughtlocked target. If I were you, I would also drop Fleet because in a tank build, it doesn’t work as well if you’re specced into Ward because of the decreased shield recharge delay. (meaning less time with boosted movement speed) Plus, the shield regen from Inertia goes through DoTs, which is super helpful at endgame.

As for class mods, I would suggest the GUARDED WARDER; blue (or purple) mod that boosts Ward by +6 (or +5). If you can find the variant that also boosts Wreck by +5 (or +4), you’re probably golden. Besides, since you’re speccing into Suspension you’ll probably want Wreck anyway. However, Thoughtlock js a lot better with boosted Suspension, so you might also want to be on the lookout for a Binder COM if you want to keep Thoughtlock. The Slayer of Terra is kind of bad, regardless of what class you’re using, and the Hide is more for melee builds. But the Neogenator will do well as far as shields go. For your relic, be on the look out for any sort of Health / Health regen relic, or some sort of resistance relic if you end up not using the Neo. Transfusion grenades are good against bosses, but for mobs you might want to pick up a singularity. (preferably a Quasar, which I believe is dropped by UBA Varkids) However, the great thing about this game is that there’s so much you can try out, even without DLC (although, you should totally get them) so you can see what works for you.

Don’t rely on enemies taking each other out too fast when using Thoughtlock, they’ll need that extra “nudge” from you if you want to get the most out of your action skill. Once again, this is where Converge / singularity grenades are useful, because once one enemy dies then you aren’t spending too much time waiting for Subsequence to get the next enemy if they’re already grouped up. Also, surveyors may not always heal you, sometimes they just fly around like idiots an waste your action skill.

You might have some trouble during boss fights if there aren’t any minions present, because a lot of bosses can’t be Phaselocked, meaning they can’t be Thoughtlocked, so a few of your skills go to waste (Suspension, Subsequence, Sweet Release, etc). However, if you spec into Ruin then at least you’ll be able to slag them (briefly). You might not even need a Slagga. (but it’s still awesome)

Derch did a few videos on Youtube about running a Tank Maya and tested a few different shields. I’m sure that watching those will give you a few more ideas. Good luck!!


Sorry, this will eventually be updated to a final version, I am working on actually finishing the build currently but once I reach level 50 I will be able to actually update it, again sorry about this but I can’t test anything out at the moment. Yes that is what I meant and I will change it when I am able, if you have a relic that I could find for sure please tell me.

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No worries, just a suggestion.

When I’m in the process of leveling I usually stick with a Moxxi Endowment (Reward for completing The Good The Bad and The Mordecai) until I reach 72, or whatever your level cap is, not sure how much it actually helps but but I still use it.

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Thanks a ton! All of this will be taken into account and I will see what I can do. The singularity grenade is a good idea I never thought of, I am figuring still out how to edit so I will change a couple of these things as soon as possible. I am for sure going with the neogenator. I did notice to shoot the enemy, it begins to bounce around as I kill them. I will change the fleet to inertia as I have heard it is actually better, I was sceptical at first as I thought kill skills wouldn’t work for me but now I see that it will definately work. I was thinking the Slayer of Terramorphous as it adds skills to ward and sweet release but I now have a better mod that adds suspension and increases cooldown. All of this is constantly updating so all of the help is appreciated

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For a class mod, I would recommend eventually using the Legendary Siren over a Guarded Warder. Both will boost Ward by at least +5, but the Legendary Siren also does the following: +45% movement speed when target is Phaselocked, Cooldown Rate Boost +53% (max potential), Gun Damage +39% (max potential), +5 Ward, +5 Accelerate, +5 Mind’s Eye, +5 Foresight, +5 Flicker (Max +5 to boosted skills depending upon COM level). Optionally, you could use a Protection Relic that increases your shield size and decreases the recharge delay. But, there are probably better Relic options especially if you get a shield with a decent capacity and recharge to begin with (read: NOT the Bee).

The DLCs I would definitely recommend eventually getting are Captain Scarlett and Tiny Tina. The former has the Sand Hawk, Pimpernel and the latter has the Antagonist shield which can be purchased from the Flamerock Refuge Seraph vendor if you have enough Seraph Crystals. The Antagonist is a very good general use shield for Maya. Lastly, I would recommend getting the How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day DLC and UVHM Upgrade Packs 1 and 2 so you can eventually get to Level 72 (if you don’t already have those).

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
Trades: http://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/poisd2strikes-humble-shop/367700
Gun Prefixes | Gun Parts | Max Stats
Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M


So i just tried switching fleet to inertia and it is beastly. I thoughtlock one enemy and I slag and swap on him and the health and inertia just keeps comin. I also tried the singularity and it definately helps whenever the enemies are not clumped together. The chrono binder seems to work best especially with extra suspension on it allpwing for maximum usage of thoughtlock. The infinity seems to work fine and I dont even seem to need the Good Touch much anymore with so much healing and shielding. I am adding on 4 or 5 for wreck most likely later and 1 point in restoration for co-op to heal with the infinity. That is all I have for now.


This means that the level cap is 50. So let’s have a look at that. The pointers from the other guys about Fleet, Inertia and Ward are right on the money. And, ofc, Converge is a badass skill. But at this point, I’d recommend that you fool around with your build a bit to see what YOU like. NVHM and TVHM doesn’t demand an optimal build. getting a feel for the different skills and trying different approaches to the game is one of the things that make this game Top Notch. The guide on Maya’s skills can give you some valuable info on how the skills synergize, so check it out.

HoT is a great shield in certain areas. Especially in areas such as Caustic caverns and WEP. For areas where enemies shoot at you, I’d recommend something else.

Good hunting, and have some fun out there! :wink:

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If you’re really going Tanky, I’d suggest a +max health relic to really give yourself a lot of healthbar to work with. Some enemies can tear through you pretty quick, and that relic could allow you to out DPS them.

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I was thinking a cooldown relic but that is a gppd idea, with sweet release it will give more health and allow more bullets to come before regeneration is required.

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So I have added wreck to the mix and it plus the infinity still seems to be doing quite well at level 41 with a level 35 infinity killing enemies fairly quickly still, I was thinking of creating a Zer0 build to go with this one in multiplayer so my friend and I could play synergystically. I was thinking death mark could be good to make the targets take more damage, although I am unsure to use execute or death blossom to go with it. Or just scrap that idea entirely and maybe use something like the Chere-amie to heal me from afar. Tell me what you think!

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Death mark is great, Death blossom lets you apply it to 5 ememies from range while you’re in deception.

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And while in deception it would add to my tanking o all of the bullets not being taken by the thoughtlocked enemy allowing for full damage on one enemy. One thing I am noticing like a couple have said is bosses without minions are difficult, for instance the W4RD3N was actually easy when it spawned a BA loader, however, a BA loader by itself is difficult to take down, would this Zer0 maybe help remedy that?

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