This build was made with two things in mind, First. Survivability, second. DPS. Therefor, this is a hybrid build of sorts, you are able to put out tons of damage, and take a ton of damage yourself.
This build was made for, and tested in OP8. Therefor, it should preform even better on 72.
First of all. The Spec.
A Skill Worth Mentioning:
Life Tap: This skill basically makes every weapon a moxxi weapon, granted, you get a kill. And with the weapons doing level 80 damage, and you only have level 72 health, a single shot is more than sufficient to bring you back well above healthgate. This skill is what makes this build work so well for survival.
# The Gear
##Main Weapon:
The Butcher : An interesting shotgun. It is practically a bullet hose with its fire rate reaching the “7” range. And with the fact that it has the chance to replinish ammo instead of using it. It is a weapon very much worth using. I personally reccomend using two Butchers, One in shock, and the other in corrosive .
Confrence Call : Ah, The Confrence Call. While some may believe that the weapon was nerfed, and is no longer viable. That is not the case, as it is still an amazing shotgun, able to absolutely melt enemies even at OP8.
Diamond Thinking : While hard to get, especially with the right parts. If you manage to get your hands on this weapon, you will fall in love with it the same way I did.
Miss Moxxi’s HeartBreaker : Easy to farm for, as it is a mission reward. Powerful, and heals you for a percentage of the damage you deal. The only downside to this weapon is the fact that it only comes in Fire Element.
Slagging Weapon:
The Pimpernel : One of the best snipers in the game, even though I only use it as a slag weapon, it has so much damage that I often find myself killing them as well. It was an obvious choice.
The Blockade : Recommended with all bandit parts, as it greatly increases the recharge rate of the shield.
Alternatively. You can also use The Antagonist . An equally good shield.
##Class Mods:
Legendary Siren : Even with the new Legendary COMs. The Legendary Siren COM still manages to preform more than adequately. The boost to the cooldown, and the gun damage is really good as well.
Legendary Binder : An equally good COM. But more focused on Cooperative play. The added points to Sweet Release, Wreck, and the other skills will prove to be especially handy.
Hyperion Allegiance Relic : [40.00% Reload Speed, 39.00% Gun Damage]. Since your weapon choice will mainly be Hyperion Shotguns, This Relic synergizes exceptionally with the build, as it will boost your shotgun no matter the element that you’re using. Unlike the Bone Of The Ancients . Even though the latter could be used for the added cooldown rate.
Longbow Quasar : Pulls enemies together, and does a ton of damage. Add slag to the mix, and you’d probably kill all the enemies you pulled together.
#Demo Videos
By me.
By @JovaBrow