This means that a gun would have to have a magazine size of 13 to get the maximum bonus and not just 12. Can someone confirm if 13 is the magic number for Money Shot to get the full bonus?
The in-game description for Money Shot says up to 10 mag size for +400% bonus, but the mag size for the full bonus is actually 12 for +480%. With the +6 from Monk/Raider mod, it’s +1056%, and not +880% as the in-game description says.
So mag size of 12 is adequate to get max damage.
So is the wiki wrong then? Because if the mag size is only 12, according to the formula there, the bonus (assuming 11 points are in Money Shot) would be:
8% x 11 points of MS x minimum of (12 mag size - 1 or 12) = 8% x 11 x 11 = +968% damage bonus.
In order to get the max bonus, the mag size would need to be 13. The formula from the wiki appears to account for guns with a magazine size of 1 like the infinity pistol.