updated to level 80!
In no way am I a Gaige expert like @pokapoka or some of the others. But lately, I have leveled my Gaige to 72, and started playing around with her skills a bit more. I knew I didn’t want a build focused on Anarchy, so I started looking at LBT and what I could make out of it. This build is the result. I hope you will get something out of this too.
It can be played without using anarchy at all, and without DT if you so wish (though I still use both) and it’s tremendous fun.
First thing I did was look at @Draug’s Slag, Wind and fire thread, something all Gaige player should read… In fact go read it right now and from then on, i’ll proceed assuming you know what it’s about, because this build is heavily based on his work. Go ahead, i’ll wait…
Done ? Good, let’s continue.
(If you want more in-depth information about EB, you could also check out @Wingsday’s work here. )
So while the idea of a build that only chucks grenades had its appeal, I wanted this to be a full-fledged build, so I started looking at sources of damage over time (DoT) to see what could be made of this. (The results of my research can be found here. )
As you can see from these results, truly powerful shock DoT come from grenades, not guns.
But I found something very neat while playing around with Gaige’s skills.
Shock and AAAGGGGHHH! (SaA) will also spark DoT in base values around 20-25 like grenades, and will do so nearly 100% of the time. (it apparently got a boost in the last patch)
I now had a reliable source of DoT that required almost no resource. With the right gun, I can create a SaA nova every 2 seconds… about as long as shock DoT last conveniently.
So, the base gameplay of this build revolves around this: equip a fast-reloading gun, shoot once and reload to proc SaA, which will in turn proc Electrical burn. If this gun happens to be a Grog Nozzle, you will never die as long as you have a target nearby. With that alone, you can take care of anything flesh in the game, baring raid bosses maybe. Against armored foes (and the few things in the game that are immune to DoTs) we’ll use a combination of other things, we’ll get to this in the gear section.
Update: level 80: https://bl2skills.com/mechromancer.html#550050150521500053150551410153101000
No anarchy version
Well, there is a point in anarchy, but it’s just to be able to get to BSS. This is for those who prefer a heavier support from DT.
“Making a point about not using anarchy” version
I was not a rebel before it was cool to not be a rebel
SLF makes your reloads faster, a must in this build. If you want to use the variant of this build without Anarchy, I still recommend that you drop 4 points in this.
DFA loop version
As discussed here
More Pep helps with EB procs and shock DoT proc with grenades and guns as well as your odds to apply slag with both IO and your guns.
Unstoppable force allows you to move faster to reach enemies since SaA has a pretty small radius
IO helps you slag and transforms weak guns into more powerful ones.
I only put 2 points into EB as the COM grants +5, and additional points only increase the chances of it proc’ing, not increase the damage. With 7/5, it’s very reliable.
WDT increase DoT damage and it makes your other shock guns more powerful. A no-brainer.
A few pieces of gear are vital, but the rest is pretty loose, you can use what you want.
COM: The Legendary catalyst is a must here. While leveling up, the Catalyst or Zapper COM can do.
Relic: a Shock Bone is a given here.
Grenade: You have a few options here. The Chain lightning has very high DoT and aims itself. The Lightning bolt is harder to aim, but it does 1.5x as much DoT damage as the chain lightning. The stormfront is pretty powerful and covers a lot of ground. The Quasar also acts as good crowd control.
You can also use your grenade slot for other things like slag or for other elements. I have found the Chain lightning is the perfect medium-long range complement to SaA’s short range.
Shields: The 2 choices I have found to be the best are the Black hole and Transformer. The Black hole will deplete, pull in enemies (which will get staggered and be within range of both the nova and SaA) and immediately fill back up thanks to BSS. It’s a killer.
If you prefer chucking grenades to using SaA, the Big Boom Blaster is also a great pick. (Thanks @Afro_Samurai for the tip)
The Transformer is there for another reason. I regularly use the Thunderball fist with this build (High damage, one of the best shock DoT for guns, very fast reload) and you might hurt yourself with the ball. With the transformer, you not only get your shield back from the ball (meaning you can shoot at your own feet if you want, or not care about your target’s distance) but it also absorbs ammo from both enemy shots and your own shock balls. If you plan on using the no-anarchy version (in which you have sharing is caring) you can also protect DT from shock.
Also, as @KingGed suggested, the Hide of Terra is awesome in flesh areas and double as a very good choice for builds more focused on DT.
Guns: A lot of things going on here, I’ll list what I use more often, but you can use whatever you like
- Grog Nozzle. The Grog slags reliably, heals you for 65% of the DoT you deal and has a reload speed of 1.6 seconds. If you have the luxury of having one from the Loot hunt, a Maliwan or Tedior grip are the best, expeditious prefix. If you don’t have a Grog (or don’t want to use one) the Rubi is almost as good. Same deal: Tediore or Maliwan grip, Expeditious prefix (and slag element). Against armored foes, I will also often apply corrosive DoT with the infection, and switch to the Grog, enjoying 8 seconds of immortality while I pile up anarchy, slag everything around, reset IO and DFA or spam reloads.
- Thunderball fist. This is my main killing gun, I use this 75% of the time. Great stats all around, the orb kills as much as the shot, it deals high DoT damage for a gun and it also reloads very fast. BTW, the orb will proc DFA if you are airborn while it explodes, giving you an additional timing window to get it off. Another cool thing you can do, if you use the Transformer, is shoot at your feet: you damage everything around you and keep your shield topped off.
- Infection. I don’t know how good it would hold up in OP8, but you already have a lot of ways to increase DoT damage, so you might as well put it to use. A gun that you fire a few times and then wait is perfect with IO and DFA, as you lose nothing by waiting a bit. You can also switch to your Grog while you wait.
- Slagga. Walk in, spray the room purple, throw 1-2 Chain Lightnings, wait… go to the next room.
- A shock sniper. The Chain lightning actually has a limit to it’s range. For those times, you might want to carry a sniper. Shock is a great choice since you already are wearing a bones ans have points in WDT. I have a Lyuda but a Pimpernel or Sloth are also great choices.
- Jakobs Coach gun/ROM/Twister/Quad. With the right parts and a bit of help from SLF, you can get one that only has one shot in the mag, allowing you to spam reloads AND dealing a significant amount of damage AND stack a bit of anarchy.
- A powerful shotgun/equivalent. Like a CC, Interfacer, Pimpernel or else. In corrosive, slag, explosive or N-E. Some foes are immune to shock DoT, some are immune to DoTs period. There might be a time where you need a big knockout punch that’s not shock-based.
…You’ll notice that I have no fire gun. And why should I? EB is so powerful that flesh targets are not even a challenge. everything else in my arsenal is to deal with …everything else
#So what is the challenge then ?
- Armored targets need to be dealt with the regular way. This is where DT, Make it sparkles, the Infection and IO come in.
- Shock badass skags are immune to shock DoTs, so you need something else to deal with them
- Constructors (and Badass Constructors) are immune to all DoTs (corrosive or shock) so you will need something else against them. Saturn is also immune to DoTs (a real pain with this build)
- Slag skags and spiderants are immune to all status effects just like constructors. When running the peak, you might want to carry a fire gun just for them…
- Fire-charged badass monsters are sort of immune to EB’s effect, but they can be killed with straight shock damage.
So there it is. I hope you enjoyed reading this and that it made you want to give it a try.
(and as always, if anyone with video capabilities feel like making a short showcase for it, It would be very appreciated)