(Wh-?! A mask?! This is tooootally my face! I... uh... )
Is anyone else around here actually using this gun? I pulled a Punctilious Thunderball Fists 2-3 weeks ago, and I’ve been using it very, very heavily since then with Maya, Axton, and Sal. I know the knock is that it’s shock only, but after really running it hard, I have no idea why this thing isn’t considered right up there with the ‘1B’ weapon choices in this game. Sure, we give up extra damage from matching elements, but +100%/+150% splash and aoe? WOW.
I love smashing groups or crushing enemies who are trying to hide behind things. Interestingly, it even demolishes Surveyors.
I’d guess because it’s a pistol? The weakest weapon type I think, the only pistols widely used are the ones with OP red text or Vladof ones for Bee amp delivery. Yes, good stats, splash damage or whatever, but it doesn’t fire off 7(14) pellets of high damage, don’t have have 800% critical hit modifier, neither is Fibber tier… Idk.
what are you talking about? the pistols in this game are crazy! not only are the red text ones some of the most powerful weapons in the entire game, the non-uniques are really good. A good anarchist is competitive DPS wise with some of the best pistols on most charecters, Torgue pistols are obsence, a Jakobs pistol can out DPS just about any other gun in the right hands, the only “weak” guns are probably maliwan pistols, just because their mags are so shallow, and tediore, because they are generaly bad outside of chucking builds.