Part of this post is a port from the old forum. The original work was made by Bahroo and @Blutfatal, i’m just porting it here and editing it for the sake of convenience. Kudos to @VaultHunter101 for finding the original thread in “Ye olde forum”.
#What is splash damage ?
Splash damage is simply extra damage. think of it as the bullet exploding on impact to deliver a second helping of damage (and a second chance to spark damage over time for elemental weapon)
Splash damage is a function of gun damage (as a percentage) so anything that increases gun damage will boost splash accordingly (making gun damage boosts about twice as efficient on guns that have splash.)
It is also independently boosted by skills and gear that increases “grenade damage”. This is not always the case though (most notably Rocket launchers) and there are some exceptions.
However, splash isn’t affected by critical hits. If you crit with a gun that has splash, the bullet damage will be increased but the splash will not.
Some weapons are pure splash: they have no “bullet” part, meaning they cannot crit at all. This is the case with Grenades, Rocket launchers, Assault Rifles with the Torgue Barrel, E-Tech pistols and a few others. Some of these are boosted by grenade damage bonus, most aren’t.
#Guns with splash damage
##Normal guns
Maliwan Pistol = 80%
Maliwan Sniper = 50%
Maliwan Launcher = 25% (This is removed from the base and added as splash)
E-Tech SMG = 50% (except Bandit ones)
E-Tech Launcher = 50%
Torgue Pistol = 100%
Torgue Assault Rifle = 90%
Torgue Shotgun = 85%
##Unique guns
Hail = 80%
Boom Puppy = 100%
Kerblaster = 100% (Extra damage in the form of a live Grenade)
Sawbar = 100%
Teapot = 80%
Flynt’s Tinderbox = 100%
Thunderball Fists = 250% (100% from Initial 150% from the Ball)
Hornet = 80%
Unkempt Harold = 100% main, 70% secondary
Logan’s gun = 50%
Grog Nozzle = 120%
Teeth of Terramorphous = 50%
Twister = 40%
Blockhead = 100%
Landscapper = 150% (Direct Hit damage is 35% of Base Damage)
Flakker = 100% (not boosted by grenade damage)
Omen = 100%
Swordsplosion = 70% Main, 100% secondary
Chulainn = 50% (slag)
Yellow Jacket = 70%
Hellfire = 50%
Florentine = 50% (Slag)
Cobra = 80% (not boosted by grenade damage)
Pimpernel = 50% X6 (Initial shot and 5 orbs)
Volcano = 80%
Storm = 50% (main 0%, 5 orbs 10% each)
Chere-amie = 0% (even though it’s a Maliwan sniper)
I might have forgotten a few things, if you are aware of a piece of missing info, let me know.