100% legitimate kill
45 seconds
Well I’ve done it yet again.
And again if anyone wants me to go in depth about this kill I will.
100% legitimate kill
45 seconds
Well I’ve done it yet again.
And again if anyone wants me to go in depth about this kill I will.
now do wilhelm
all jokes aside, your knowledge of how each character works is astounding, and this kill (the THIRD sub one minute kill, all on different characters) is proof of that.
So proud of you, and you didn’t even have to rng clusterfk it. (Although I think you could get a marginally faster eclipse time with an explosive sr)
Do you want me to go it depth about just an average fast kill on Claptrap that doesn’t skip EOS’ phases, or the actual in depth of this speed kill?
Thanks man and yeah I take pride I the fact I’m so proficient with all the characters at end game. It makes up for the fact I’m such a derp before max level cap.
@Hoyle4 thanks I’m glade I didn’t have to clusterfk it either (for my own sake). And this kill was nowhere near as hard as Nisha’s was, but only being able to attempt this kill on 1 in 12 spawn ins is a world I don’t want to be in.
Fairly simple kill, but nice execution. I’m guessing the mongol shot at the end was considerably easier than Athena’s (which again, is probably the single most difficult thing you can do in this game)
Thanks and on a scale of easy…
Seriously? I spent 5+ hours on Athena mongol spam… the timing… I will never go through that hell again.
Ok I’ll start with as Clappy a Flakker is a 100% necessity for the Eclipse fight. On EOS the Mongol and Flakker preform similarly, but since you’ll already have a Flakker you’ll be fine with just that.
Before I continue do you want to do this 100% legit or would you be fine with using the Double Shot trick? I’m fine with either, but the set up with the trick is better at surviving. But Clappy loves FFYL so it doesn’t really matter so long as you know what to do once you’re in it.
And lastly do you want me to work with your build or do you want me to make you one?
I can comfortably kill eclipse & EOS every time without fail relatively quickly, and the trick is to have the Flakker with tediore grip so you get 12 rounds. If you don’t have that, try to go for a purple ravager with tediore grip so that you get 8 rounds with the skill that buffs your mag size.
For flakker, you fire off two shots, and then reload. Repeat as necessary, and getting your health low will dramatically help with DPS. The reason you don’t want to fire off the last shot in flakker is that the 2nd last shot in Flakker gets MASSIVE boost from One Last Thing and so you want to spam the 2nd last shot as much as possible for both Eclipse and EOS.
If you don’t have flakker, Ravager will work as well, although not as quickly. For ravager, you want to empty out your mag (2 shot), reload, repeat as necessary.
It’s a good idea to boost your explosive damage before firing either flakker or ravager by reloading some fast-firing weapon repeatedly, such as any tediore weapons.
Another weapon that works really well is the Mongol.
So TL:DR for destroying Eclipse & EOS as Clappy: get 11/5 in one last thing, boost your explosive damage by reloading a bunch, spam your 2nd last shot in your flakker as much as possible, get your health low, spam last shot in your mongol, and if you don’t have flakker, spam the f*** out of ravager.