(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
November 4, 2015, 12:44pm
Continuing the discussion from Maya is BACK - DOT damage boost thanks to last game update - new build forecast :
Did I really say that? Oh well. But yeah, looping RA and DFA was a novel experience but a very rewarding one. It felt odd to rarely get above 30 stacks at OP8, but stuff died. In abundance and with some alacrity.
I really will stop derailing now, but with attention paid to the right gear and after a bit of a learning curve this could be quite exciting.
(Mods, how do you link parts of a discussion over to another? I can start a placeholder thread in the Gaige subforum, or possibly update an ongoing discussion about the patch.)
I think that’s how you move stuff (Reply as linked topic)
Anyway, yes, this Rational Anarchist/Death From Above loop thing looks good! What kind of weapons would be best suited to this?
(Cast Iron Chef (R.I.P.))
November 4, 2015, 5:38pm
I’m thinking weapons with innate ricochet like the Fibber and the Blockhead. The Twister might work as well because its spread is fairly predictable. Pretty much any weapon that ricochets or has a fixed spread should work.
@cioran already started the thread thanks. (can’t link because retarded phone) join the discussion there
@Kitty_Jo close please
(Watcher on the wall)
November 4, 2015, 6:11pm
I’ll assume it’s this one :
From @Overload’s post in the discussion on Gaige’s post-patch ranked skills:
"New Death From Above LVL 72 DMG:
Rank 1: 129K
Rank 2: 258K
Rank 3: 388K
Rank 4: 517K
Rank 5: 647K
Rank 6: 776K
Rank 7: 906K
Rank 8: 1035K
Rank 9: 1165K
Rank 10: 1294K
Rank 11: 1424K
Rank 11 + Explosive Relic 37%: 1945K
Another 244%ish buff in damage!"
@Chuck80 and @Wingsday suggested in another thread that looping Rational Anarchist and Death from Above could be a worthwhile playstyle.
I’m typing this u…
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