Sandhawk prefix

Just wondering what’s generally better; flying or stopping?

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Depends on the enemy I guess.
Flying: Higher bullet speed
Stopping: Higher damage


Flying is usually considered the better choice, since Sandhawk’s pellets are very slow. An easier time hitting an enemy should impact your overall performance better than a straight up damage increase.

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Flying, no doubt.
The Sand Hawk’s fire rate is also very slow so the fire rate increase helps too.

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The fire rate is slow, but the Sandhawk has no burst delay, and you’ll rarely hipfire with it.

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I would recommend an elemental (other than Slag) Flying Sand Hawk with a Dahl grip and Dahl Stock. The Dahl Stock actually increases the DPS of the weapon (32 pellets while ADS with a Dahl stock vs. 24 without a Dahl stock). I have used both the ‘Stopping’ and a ‘Flying’ prefix, and the bullet speed difference between the two is very noticeable. Also, I have noticed a performance improvement when using a Dahl Allegiance relic that improves the burst fire delay.

Forum ID: Poisd2Strike
GT: Poisd2Strike
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Maya OP8 | Banshee RR / NRR | Binder | Cat | Nurse | Siren | Trickster B / M

Flying is the best prefix, IMO, by far. Stopping isn’t bad, but when you already have a high damage weapon like the Sandhawk that has a drawback like the slow projectile speed, negating that drawback is huge and the Flying prefix does that. Having Accelerate also helps quite a bit which is very nice.

That being said, if you’re planning to quest farm the Sandhawk, good luck. The odds of getting a Flying Sandhawk, with an good element (no slag) AND get a Dahl stock (never mind the grip even), are terrible. I would advise taking the first shock or fire version (or even corrosive if you really want) that you see and be happy with it. Good parts or even an accessory prefix of any kind would be gravy. Otherwise you could be wasting your time forever.

Of course if your planning on acquiring one some other way, then Flying with Dahl stock and grip is best.

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Previous posters have covered it well, but I feel compelled to add this:

The Sandhawk is a monster with any prefix. It’s very easy to get caught up in squeezing every last point of damage out, but the truth of the matter is that even the Flying prefix isn’t likely to be the difference between success and failure in any situation.

Element… That’s where the money is.


Why a Dahl grip?

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the matching bonus is really strong, Reload speed and mag size.

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Neat I didn’t know there was a bonus

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yup, there’s also a damage bonus for matching barrels.

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Is there a link to a table with DPS stats for weapons? Spent 3 hours going through ~160 gemstone weapons alone.

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Never mind. Dear Doctor Dumbass Guide has good info on top gear.

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Agreed! But it’s a lot easier to hit moving enemies with the Flying prefix.

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No question! I certainly would never argue that point. I was really just offering a reminder that prefix isn’t necessary to worry about for those of us who don’t use editing software. It’s awesome when you get a perfect one, but you can still do work with a different prefix.


Do you think it makes sense to go for a shock with Dahl grip and stock ( 1 try takes 1 Minute)

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it makes sense to go for every element exept slag

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