First and foremost bravo on the patch. Did much more good than bad for the game.
I do wish you to reconsider returning Death Blossom/Death Mark stacking to how it was before. I don’t think it made Zero overpowered and he feels pretty weak now with the change.
So with the Hot Fix released, Death Mark became a bit better. Now, it still can’t stack up to 4 times via Death Bl0ss0m… But now Death Mark itself is 80% Bonus Damage instead of 20%.
That means that we don’t need to use Death Bl0ss0m to get the full power of Death Mark, we can just tap enemies with melee while Decepti0n is still down to refresh the debuff without it knocking back down to 20%, and we don’t need to throw all of our kunai on one enemy just be sure they have the maximum debuff. Basically all Death Bl0ss0m is for applying DM to multiple targets at once, potential slagging, and being able to apply Death Mark at all without breaking Decepti0n, so it’s still very much worth the investment.
I’m owning up and admitting I was wrong. In a now-closed thread on this topic (by DS), I said that this would take a while to fix and no one should hold their breath.